Putin’s largesse

Putin, in a first of its kind olive branch, offered to negotiate a way out of the ongoing crisis and war in Ukraine

The Kremlin is eager for a rapprochement with the West. President Vladimir Putin, in a first of its kind olive branch, offered to negotiate a way out of the ongoing crisis and war in Ukraine. The Russian invasion of February 2022 has not borne the desired results, and it seems Moscow is contemplating diplomatic means to seek a face-saving exit. Contrary to expectations, the Russians had a tough time at the hands of Ukrainian forces, and the series of setbacks in the last few weeks has rendered it untenable for it to continue with the war-mongering. Nonetheless, Putin wants to engage the West, which seems to be taking the Russian czar for a ride by looking the other way round.

The point that Kyiv and its backers in the European Union are not taking Putin’s offer for parleys seriously has much to do with a tit-for-tat response. Probably, the funneling in of arms and ammunition, as well as modern surveillance gadgets, including an advanced air defence system, has buoyed the United States to look for a military victory. This is more academic a desire than being practical on ground provided Putin has openly threatened to make use of tactical nuclear weapons, and for the first time since the Cuban Missile Crisis has put its nukes on alert. The equation is fraught with concerns, and is in need of an imminent thaw.

Putin has played the greater Russia card very well, and has been quite successful in furthering chauvinism. But the fact is that the Russo-Ukrainian war has come as a devastating blow to the world economy, resulting in food and oil prices spiraling, as well as interrupting the supply chain for both the developed and the developing countries. It is here that the world should unite to salvage hard pressed economies from its after-affects. A dialogue to defuse the crisis and end the war is inevitable. Russian aggression and occupation of Ukrainian sovereign lands must come to an end. The West should generously reciprocate the offer for talks.

Published in The Express Tribune, December 27th, 2022.

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