AJK PM accuses Centre of trying to buy MLAs

Ilyas says move aimed at toppling PTI govt in region

Azad Jammu and Kashmir Prime Minister Sardar Tanveer Ilyas Khan. PHOTO: SOCIAL MEDIA


Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) Prime Minister Sardar Tanveer Ilyas on Sunday accused the PML-N-led federal government of trying to buy lawmakers of the region to overthrow its PTI regime, claiming that the Centre had sent briefcases full of cash to Muzaffarabad for this purpose.

Talking to the media, Ilyas maintained that the Centre was engaged in efforts to topple the PTI government in AJK.

He added that attempts were being made to win over the members of the AJK Legislative Assembly and briefcases full of cash had been dispatched to Muzaffarabad to buy their loyalties.

The AJK prime minister warned that if this “dirty tactic” went on, the residents of the region would take to the streets.

He further said political stability was imperative for AJK and “briefcases full of cash” would dent the Kashmir cause.

He noted that Pakistan's was at war across the Line of Control, maintaining that using these tactics would only increase conflict and political turmoil in AJK.

The AJK PM ‘asked’ the federal government to abandon its “stubbornness” and hold early general elections.

“If the PDM [Pakistan Democratic Movement] changes the government of AJK at the Centre's behest, we will be on the streets,” he added.

Saying that the governments of Punjab and Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa were demanding elections, Ilyas stressed the need for all stakeholders to come together for the development and security of the country.

“The PTI is demanding democratic elections and political forces should not be afraid of going to the people’s court,” he said.

The AJK prime minister noted that Pakistan was supreme and other matters were secondary.

He also expressed his concerns over the economic problems being faced by the country.

“We need political stability at all costs. It is the job of the political leadership and other stakeholders to sit together and find a solution to this problem,” he added.

A day earlier, PTI chairman and deposed premier Imran Khan had announced his decision to dissolve the assemblies in Punjab and K-P – where his party was at the helm of affairs – on December 23 (Friday), staking his hard-earned political ground on a bid to trigger early elections.

“We will sacrifice both assemblies… we are sacrificing them for this nation… there will elections in 66% of Pakistan,” Imran added.

The former prime minister – flanked by Punjab Chief Minister Parvez Elahi and K-P Chief Minister Mahmood Khan – made the announcement during his address to party supporters and workers at Lahore’s Liberty Chowk via video link from his residence in Zaman Park.


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