20 UTPs to get education remissions

Committee to re-examine remission case of one prisoner


The regional committee empowered to grant education remission to prisoners of the Rawalpindi region, under the chairmanship of Deputy Inspector General of Prisons Saeedullah Gondal, on Thursday while granting education remission to 20 inmates for showing exceptional performance in the field of education decided to retake the exam of one prisoner.

The power to grant remission in the punishments of prisoners who show outstanding performance by continuing educational activities in prisons has lately been transferred from the provincial level to the regional level for which special committees have been established in all regions across Punjab.

In this regard, the meeting of the regional committee for education remission, established for the prisoners in the Rawalpindi region, was held under the chairmanship of the DIG Prisons.

Superintendent Adiala Jail Arshad Javed Waraich along with superintendents, deputy superintendents and assistant superintendents of the prisons of Rawalpindi region also participated in the meeting.

During the meeting, the cases for grant of education remissions of 21 prisoners were taken up and after examination of the records, eight cases of Holy Quran (Nazra), five of Taleemul Quran, four of matriculation, one of Arabic linguistics, one of Urdu literature and one of MA were approved for remissions of various durations. Meanwhile, it was decided to re-examine one prisoner.

Published in The Express Tribune, December 9th, 2022.


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