Punjab Assembly passes new resolutions seeking judicial inquiries

Demands centre assassination attempt on Imran, Swati's arrest and torture and Arshad Sharif's killing

Rana Yasif November 14, 2022
A file photo of Punjab Assembly in session. PHOTO: ONLINE


The Punjab Assembly (PA) after receiving no response from the federal government on its previous resolution, passed two new resolutions on Monday seeking 'judicial inquiry' into the alleged assassination attempt on Imran Khan, the ''illegal' arrest and torture of Senator Azam Swati and the murder of journalist Arshad Sharif in Kenya.

The PA had already passed separate resolutions pertaining to each matter. However, the assembly remained dissatisfied with the Centre over 'inaction' on said resolutions.

The provincial assembly in its resolution today complained that although the PA had already passed the resolutions addressing the federal government with solid demands, it deemed it highly regrettable that no response was given to these resolutions.

The resolutions were presented by PTI’s Minister for Parliamentary Affairs Muhammad Raja Basharat.

The first resolution, which was passed with majority, highlighted the murder attempt on Imran Khan and the alleged illegal arrest and torture of Azam Swati.

Read COAS appointment: Imran’s shifting scales

The second resolution pertained to the murder of senior anchor-person and journalist Arshad Sharif, which was unanimously passed.

First resolution

The PTI’s lawmakers expressed grave concern over the federal government’s "non-seriousness" as they stressed that similar resolutions had been passed earlier, but no action was taken till date.

The House had also previously strongly condemned Senator Azam Swati’s illegal arrest and torture during custody “at the behest of the imported government”. The lawmakers once again demanded strict action against those allegedly involved in the said crimes.

The resolution was passed with a majority.

Second resolution

The provincial assembly "demanded'" once again that the federal government constitute a judicial commission to probe into the killing of journalist Arshad Sharif. This resolution was passed unanimously.

The House had previously declared the incident a case of “targeted killing” and demanded the federal government to form a judicial commission but claimed today that it had been all in vain. Therefore, the PA once again urged the federal government to constitute a judicial inquiry into the killing.

After the completion of agenda items, the Speaker Punjab Assembly Sibtain Khan adjourned the House until November 28 at 3pm.


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