Need for a judicious probe

Sense in constituting a full court of the Supreme Court so that the needle in the hay could be found

Raison d’être seems to be prevailing. The federal government’s decision to form a full court commission to probe into assassination attempt on PTI chief Imran Khan, and likewise into the plot behind journalist Arshad Sharif’s killing in Kenya is a welcome development. This will be a promising step if it sees the light of the day. The Prime Minister did some plain-talking as he dispelled the impression that he is behind the volatile upheavals, and this incidentally had led to thickening of the plot. Now the million-dollar question is what is going on in the country, and who is conspiring against the order of the day? And last but not least, why?

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif made a generous declaration by saying he will quit politics if found involved in the assassination attempt on Mr Khan. This should be read in all sincerity, and a thorough probe initiated to fish the real culprit(s). The PTI too should stop from going over the brink, especially in launching wild accusations. Nonetheless, the aggrieved party has every right to get a FIR registered, and demand a judicious and result-oriented inquiry. The fact that the Wazirabad firing case has not yet been registered and there are impediments on its way despite the PTI being in power in Punjab smells like a rat. This is why it makes sense in constituting a full court of the Supreme Court so that the needle in the hay could be found.

The government’s claim to write to the Chief Justice of Pakistan calling for a full court is a departure from its earlier hastily constituted judicial commission, which was rejected by the people at large. This points out that knee-jerk reactions in state-centrism at times come at the cost of embarrassment, and lead to complicating the ground realities. The assassination attempt on the former prime minister, and the extra-territorial murder of Arshad Sharif, and likewise the disgusting video leaks are in need of being probed with logical outcomes. Beating about the bush will lead to more confusion.


Published in The Express Tribune, November 7th, 2022.

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