PM rejects wheat import by private sector

Shehbaz urges Punjab, K-P to not politicise seed scheme for flood-hit farmers

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif. PHOTO: AA


Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif on Thursday urged the provincial governments of Punjab and Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa to rise above politics and join the centre’s scheme of providing wheat seeds to farmers of flood-affected areas.

Chairing a review meeting of the National Flood Response and Coordination Centre, the prime minister offered the two provinces to collaborate with the federal government under the scheme which will ensure funding for the wheat seeds with 50% contribution from both sides.

The prime minister mentioned that Sindh and Balochistan had already agreed with the wheat scheme.

However, despite the offer by the centre, Punjab and K-P had refused to cooperate and instead indulged in playing politics on the matter, he regretted.

“I request you to accept the offer in view of the plight of the flood-hit farmers. And if you still reject it, then don’t twist the facts that the Centre is not extending you assistance,” he said in a meeting also joined by chief secretaries of Punjab and K-P through video-link.

The prime minister emphasized that Pakistan as a federation comprised its provincial units and said the situation demanded unity at national level.

He feared that the devastating floods would considerably impact wheat harvest and added the crop would be cultivated in less areas in the coming season.

The prime minister, however, rejected to allow any import of the commodity by the private sector.

“In view of the emergency situation, I will not allow the private sector to import wheat,” he said, adding that the government was aiming to get a better bidding of the wheat.

The prime minister said the government was effectively carrying out relief and rehabilitation work in post-flood scenario as the death toll crossed 1,700 including children.

He said the federal government through National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) was ensuring disbursement of Rs880 million compensation money and relief goods including food, water, medicines and mosquito nets among the flood-affected families across the country.

Read Punjab snubs Centre's wheat seeds scheme

Also, the relief supplies received from friendly countries is being distributed through a very transparent channel of NDMA, he said.

He said China was sending ‘winter tents’ of good quality in view of the flood-hit people to help them cope with the upcoming harsh season.

The prime minister, who recently undertook a visit to the Sohbatpur area of Balochistan, said the land was still inundated and posed threat of outbreak of water-borne diseases.

The meeting was told that a comprehensive plan for rehabilitation of flood-affected people was in progress and a report on Post-Disaster Need Assessment compiled in collaboration of the federal and provincial governments and international organizations would be presented to the prime minister.

The prime minister directed to finalise the report to be given to the international donor agencies regarding the estimates of flood losses.

The NDMA chairman updated the meeting that tents had been distributed among flood-hit people of Sindh (123,000), Balochistan (100,000) and K-P (64,000). Also, 1,500,000 mosquito nets in Sindh and 500,000 in Balochistan have been distributed besides other supplies including boats and water pumps for dewatering.

The meeting was informed that NDMA, on behalf of the federal government, had provided one million rupees each to the families of deceased and in this regard Rs890 million had been disbursed.

Water pumps have been installed at the east and west basins of Indus River for dewatering, while power generation is being ensured through generators in areas where supply of electricity has yet to be restored.

On the update by Chief Secretary Balochistan regarding the problems faced by flood victims as the winter approaches, the prime minister directed provision of special winter tents donated by China on urgent basis.

The meeting was attended by federal ministers, Chairman NDMA, Chairman NFRCC and officials of the departments concerned. The Chief Minister Sindh and chief secretaries of the four provinces joined through video-link. 

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