Lahoris throng to Ravi for boating

Cruise to Kamran's Baradari becomes most sought-after attraction

Locals enjoy boat rides along the Ravi River. Some of those sailing are visiting Kamran’s Baradari, a monument situated on an island in the river. Photo: Express


Boats have started plying the River Ravi since water level in the river increased, and the people of the provincial capital are thronging to the site with their families for rides across the river.

They had been waiting for those rides for a long time. They enjoy meals with their families on their cruise to Kamran's Baradari right in the middle of the river.

Nomads on the banks of the river have been moved to a safer place to save them from the floodwater.

People have become happy after the water level rose in the Ravi River after many years. A large number of people enjoy going on trips on boats with their families.

People usually stop coming to the river when there is no boat rides available due to low-level of water in the river. This means no work for the boat operators.

They had been idle for some time, but after the clouds burst, a rainbow emerged for them. They are having customers now who they ferry across the river.

Families visiting the River Ravi say that if the way the flow of water has increased in the River Ravi continues throughout the year, the atmosphere in the city will become pleasant and pollution will also be reduced.

Therefore, the government should make India bound to not to block the water of Ravi under any circumstances as per the agreement, and if it does so, the matter should be taken up at the international level.

Published in The Express Tribune, August 12th, 2022.


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