Iqbal for monitoring economic activities

Asks IT ministry to develop dashboard for the purpose

Our Correspondent August 03, 2022
Federal Minister for Planning, Development and Special Initiatives Ahsan Iqbal. PHOTO: TWITTER/@PlanComPakistan



Federal Minister for Planning, Development and Special Initiatives Ahsan Iqbal has told the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS) and the Ministry of Information Technology to develop a dashboard to monitor daily activities in the economy of the country.

“The dashboard will also help promote innovative projects of national importance under the Innovation Support Fund (ISF), which will be launched soon,” said Iqbal. Chairing a meeting for the development of the National Integrated Dashboard and the launch of ISF on Tuesday, the minister said that there was no integrated dashboard where economic management could be monitored, particularly by the key ministries like finance.

He told the ministries concerned and PBS to develop a dashboard so that economic situation could be monitored on a daily basis, which would help the policymakers in formulating the policy. He stressed that data was the key in the current era and there should be a dashboard at two levels – one for the top leadership and the other for the secretary level, which would enable every ministry to monitor the economic indicators.


Jesus Raza Washington USA | 2 years ago | Reply Nawaz Sharif s VIP escape was planned by this Crime Minister PM of Pakistan He took an oath signed a Damn Affidavit to Pakistan s The Govt. the Courts nor Nab laws could Touch this Bastard for his Blatant crimes This crime minister wiped clean the No-Fly List Helped his Criminal Son Hamza also escape from Accountability Why No News Paper of Pakistan is Reporting Hamza and Nawaz falling off theirs Chairs laughing roaring in Laughter in London That leaves Maryum this crime minister and Zardari They too will escape the Pangs of Pakistan s Laws and be long gone Crime Ministers grand Scheme is on a Blue Print and ready to be executed They will leave behind 220 Million Innocent Citizens of Pakistan wailing for GOD s Mercy Does any thinking Man in Pakistan can Vouch that Allah will send help for such a Sinful Nation After their great escape These Satanic News Papers of Pakistan who Took Bags of Cash from these criminals will Publish Articles on The Great Heist of the Century in Pakistan After 75 years of Independence Pakistan may begin a New chapter under PM Imran Khan But we may be even behind African Nations Like Zaire Congo or Rwanda Hula Hula
Jesus Raza Washington USA | 2 years ago | Reply Nawaz Sharif s VIP escape was planned by this Crime Minister PM of Pakistan He took an oath signed a Damn Affidavit to Pakistan s The Govt. the Courts nor Nab laws could Touch this Bastard for his Blatant crimes This crime minister wiped clean the No-Fly List Helped his Criminal Son Hamza also escape from Accountability Why No News Paper of Pakistan is Reporting Hamza and Nawaz falling off theirs Chairs laughing roaring in Laughter in London That leaves Maryum this crime minister and Zardari They too will escape the Pangs of Pakistan s Laws and be long gone Crime Ministers grand Scheme is on a Blue Print and ready to be executed They will leave behind 220 Million Innocent Citizens of Pakistan wailing for GOD s Mercy Does any thinking Man in Pakistan can Vouch that Allah will send help for such a Sinful Nation After their great escape These Satanic News Papers of Pakistan who Took Bags of Cash from these criminals will Publish Articles on The Great Heist of the Century in Pakistan After 75 years of Independence Pakistan may begin a New chapter under PM Imran Khan But we may be even behind African Nations Like Zaire Congo or Rwanda Hula Hula
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