We don’t complain but request recognition: Afghan envoy

Laments Int'l community’s reluctance despite IEA establishing total control over Afghan soil

An Afghan woman clad in burqa walks in the early morning in Kabul, Afghanistan September 2, 2019. PHOTO: REUTERS


Still on a desperate quest for recognition in the aftermath of the takeover from the collapsed Ashraf Ghani government, diplomats of the Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan (IEA) have dangled their willingness to “not complain” against their former international foes as they request legitimacy.

Afghan Consul General in Peshawar Hafiz Mohibullah Shakir, in an exclusive interview with The Express Tribune, indicated that the Afghan Taliban were not going to keep the baggage of a 20-year war against NATO and the allies as a sticking point but regretted that despite establishing total control over the country, the efforts to gain widespread legitimacy faced obstacles.

“We request recognition and whoever recognises us first, the entire Afghan nation will be indebted to them,” he affirmed. “We also have no complaint against the Arab states that recognised Israel since this is their internal issue but we call for our government to be recognised.”

Shakir’s overtures to seek recognition come in the backdrop of a deteriorating economy as the war-ravaged country finds diplomatic ways to access some $9 billion in frozen reserves held overseas. Thus far, only a few countries, including Pakistan, China and Russia, have expressed willingness to work with the new government.

Expressing resentment over the international community’s reluctance, the Afghan envoy further pointed out that the international community had granted legitimacy to the previous Ghani-led regime despite it being plagued by divisions and duelling.

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“The world recognised Ashraf Ghani’s regime despite the fact that a huge chunk, including provinces, of the Afghan soil was not under his control and the Afghan National Army was unable to step across those territories for 20 years.”

In contrast, he continued, the IEA now wielded power over the entire Afghan land, whereas the previous rulers could not even claim a space equivalent to his room in the whole country.

‘Propaganda against Pakistan’

Speaking about relations with the neighbours, Hafiz Mohibullah Shakir said that the neighbours, particularly Pakistan, extended their helping hand to help Afghanistan cope with the humanitarian crises, supporting the nation with food supplies and medical assistance during the recent earthquake.

However, he regretted that a well-oiled propaganda machine of previous regimes had indoctrinated the Afghan masses against Pakistan and injected hostility into the minds of the young populace of the country.

Nonetheless, he hoped that with meetings being held and efforts on political, trade and diplomatic levels underway, the negative mindset will soon change.

Visa blues

Asked about a host of problems, particularly pertaining to visas and trade, the Afghan diplomat said he was optimistic that the current visa blues hindering the unrestricted travel of Afghan nationals through the border will be soon resolved. He emphasised that both countries will reap benefits from improved trade ties.

He was of the view that things were headed in the right direction since Afghanistan was a profitable market for Pakistan, serving as Pakistan’s antechamber to Central Asian countries.

“We are in talks with Pakistani authorities and IEA’s foreign minister too is engaged specifically on issues with the Torkham border. I hope all these issues are resolved in the near future,” he said.

“It’s been less than a year since IEA took over and I hope all these issues, with Pakistan specifically, will be resolved slowly and gradually,” the envoy added.

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