Improving tourism index

It seems that PTI had made significant progress to ensure sustainability and resilience in the tourism sector

Amid Pakistan’s depreciating socio-economic indictors, it is rather consoling to learn that Pakistan has moved up 6 places in the International Travel and Tourism Development Index. However, there is still a long way to go as the Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation is currently placed at 83 out of 117 countries, but report released by WEF indicates that things are indeed heading in the right direction.

Despite the many disappointments, it seems that the PTI during its tenure had made significant progress to ensure sustainability and resilience in the tourism sector. During the last two years, the federal and provincial governments took various steps to upgrade tourism services by developing infrastructure, improving the business environment, ensuring safety and security along with health and hygiene and providing socio-economic resilience. It has been acknowledged that tourism is an untapped potential that remains neglected. But the PTI has shown that prudent efforts can go a long way in producing benefits that reverberate across the multiple different sectors. If more tourists are eager to visit, foreign exchange can be generated and local small-scale businesses might also witness a significant boost. Moreover, the recent increase in professional vloggers visiting the country has given Pakistan much needed international recognition as a country with tremendous hospitality. This helps in breaking down Western stereotypes about Pakistan, making it easier for companies willing to invest in South Asia. The beauty of our land is second to none and we must leverage this to attract tourists and businessmen. Modern world system requires us to be connected to the global world. Therefore, we must not just restrict tourism at a national level and instead look to expanding it globally.

The incumbent government must now continue with the same policies that have yielded good results and further look to improve on them. Good policies and grass-root development will create the foundations required to boost the tourism sector of Pakistan.

Published in The Express Tribune, June 1st, 2022.

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