Modi’s upcoming Europe trip chance to hold him accountable: Kayani

TeK chief says Indian PM must halt military operation, release prisoners and hold a plebiscite in Kashmir

Tehreek-e-Kashmir (TeK) UK President Fahim Kayani. PHOTO: EXPRESS/FILE


The upcoming visit by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to European countries starting from Monday is an opportunity for the host nations to question him on its war crimes in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu & Kashmir (IIOJ&K), Fahim Kayani, president of the Tehreek-e-Kashmir UK said on Sunday.

“While the host nations should have avoided inviting Modi at a time when his occupying forces are persecuting Kashmiris, yet it is an opportunity for the leadership of these European nations to step up their vigil and ask Modi some hard questions,” Kayani said in a statement.

The Indian premier will be on an official visit to Germany, Denmark and France from May 2 to 4.

Kayani said these European nations have been the forerunners of upholding human rights “but now is the time to muster courage and ask Modi why India is scuttling any move to hold UN-granted plebiscite in the occupied territory.”

Also read: 'India scared of voices of conscience in IIOJK'

The activist asserted that the leadership of these nations will do a service to humanity by forcing Modi to halt military operations against Kashmiris, release all prisoners and hold plebiscite so that people of the held valley can decide their political fate.

He observed that Germany, Denmark and France were influential countries and that it was not just their moral right to uphold human rights but an international obligation to force India to implement international resolutions on Kashmir.

The Kashmiri diaspora leader further noted that India was witnessing a slow genocide of its Muslim community.

“The reception that these nations will grant to Indian PM is akin to rubbing salt on the wounds of the Indian Muslim community,” he said, urging the said nations to strongly condemn in public his complicit support to the state terror inflicted on Kashmiris and Indian Muslims.

“This is a test for the European nations which claim to be leaders of human rights; India is Achilles heel for them and they must not keep silent but ask India to uphold international law and respect the will of the international community that only a free and fair plebiscite is a solution to end military occupation of the UN-designated disputed territory,” he added.

Referring to a ban on Shab-e-Qadr and Jumat-ul-Vida prayers at the historic Jamia Masjid Srinagar, Kayani said such attempts only exposed the fascist nature of the Modi rule.

He maintained that Kashmiris will never bow down and no power would keep them away from following their religion.

Concluding, the activist urged European nations to tell Modi in clear words that his actions in the occupied territory were unpardonable and unacceptable.


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