Shari Baloch was suffering from ‘psychological disorder’

Political parties urged to find a solution for Balochistan problems

A picture retweeted by Shari Baloch. PHOTO COURTESY: Twitter/@FarhadBaloch05


Balochistan Awami Party (BAP) female lawmaker in the provincial assembly Mahjabeen Sheran has said that the husband of suicide bomber Shari Baloch had revealed that his wife was suffering from ‘psychological disorder’.

She said that Shari Baloch belonged to an educated family and had no links with disgruntled Baloch elements in the past. There is no missing person from the family of Shari Baloch either, she said

She was addressing a press conference along with former federal minister Zobaida Jalal, parliamentary secretary information Balochistan, Bushra Rind and others. They expressed their sorrow about the Karachi University suicide attack.

They strongly condemned the suicide attack and termed it against Baloch norms and values. “Enemies of Pakistan are exploiting our youth,” Zobaida Jalal said at the news conference.

She underlined the need for engaging youth of Balochistan to make them useful citizens of the country.

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“Foreign elements are provoking our youth,” she maintained. Zobaida Jalal, who belongs to the Kech district and is member national assembly (MNA), expressed her deep sorrow over the suicide attack. The female lawmakers from the ruling BAP urged the youth of Balochistan not to pay any heed to the negative propaganda.

They said Baloch tradition didn’t allow anyone to target teachers and foreign guests.

“As a mother, Shari had to think many times about others who had children and families,” Mahjabeen said.

“This is totally unacceptable behaviour,” Bushra Rind, the parliamentary secretary on information said. She urged the parents to take care of their off springs and protect them from bad influence.

The BAP lawmakers also condemned the propaganda against Pakistan Army in the aftermath of no confidence motion against former Prime Minister Imran Khan.

Published in The Express Tribune, April 29th, 2022.


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