Rain, dust storm plunges Quetta into darkness

Civil hospital declares emergency to meet any untoward incident

Syed Ali Shah April 19, 2022
FORCE OF STORM: A view of a fallen tree in Quetta’s civil hospital that injured one person after heavy rain and dust storms lashed the capital city. PHOTO: EXPRESS


Heavy rain and dust storms lashed Quetta and other parts of Balochistan on Monday night, plunging most of the city’s areas into darkness.

"Dust and storms affected power supply from 22 power feeders", Afzal Baloch, the Quetta Electric Supply Company’s spokesperson told The Express Tribune, adding that technical teams were making hectic efforts to restore power supply to the capital city and other parts of Balochistan.

An ancient tree also fell in Quetta's civil hospital causing a huge traffic jam. Rescue workers and staff of the Quetta Metropolitan Corporation reached the spot to avert any untoward incident.

Power supply to the Gynaecology Ward of the hospital was also suspended, confirmed Civil Hospital Spokesperson Waseem Baig.

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An emergency was also declared in the civil hospital to meet any emerging situation in the aftermath of the heavy dust and rain storm in the city.

Senior doctors and paramedical staff also resumed their duties in the emergency ward to provide timely treatment in case any critically injured patients are brought to the hospital.

"We have received one person injured from a falling tree", Baig informed reporters.

The Provincial Disaster Management Authority (PDMA) also declared an emergency in Chaman, Killa Adullah, Pishin, Mastung and Quetta to tackle any untoward situation.

"No power supply for the last three hours", Dr Irfanullah Khan Tareen, a resident of Quetta said, concluding that the citizens were facing difficulties as result of the long power breakdown.


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