PTI vows to 'snatch back Pakistan's freedom' after Shehbaz's election as PM

Former information minister Fawad Chaudhry says Imran Khan will be prime minister of 'independent' Pakistan


Soon after Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) President Shehbaz Sharif was elected as the 23rd prime minister of the country, former information minister and Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf leader Fawad Chaudhry on Monday vowed to "snatch" back "freedom" from the current regime, saying that PTI chief Imran Khan will be the prime minister of the "independent" Pakistan.

"Today, I got freedom from a slave assembly and I have fulfilled my oath. This freedom is connected with the freedom of the country," he wrote on his official Twitter handle.

He said that with the support of the masses, his party would snatch back the "freedom" once again and Imran Khan will become prime minister of "independent" Pakistan.

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In another tweet, he said that those forces who were involved in making "deals" in Islamabad hotels have now returned to the National Assembly.

Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (K-P) Finance and Health Minister Taimur Khan Jhagra opined that the National Assembly had lost its legitimacy today. "[The] PTI with 155 seats has lost its majority. The next two parties PML-N (84 seats) & PPP (56) even put together have fewer seats," he added.

He questioned how the government is going to function under a cloud of conspiracy, with allegations of horse-trading, and with the single largest party resigning and leaving the assembly honourably.

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"This is not democracy, this is only a sad lust for power. It's now time to go to the people," he added.

Former energy minister Hammad Azhar, while talking to the media, said that the PTI will do whatever Imran Khan decides. "Yesterday was just a trailer, Imran Khan is yet to step on ground," he added.

Taking to Twitter, Hammad claimed that the "puppet" regime's tenure will be over in matter of days after the reaction of the people.

Meanwhile, PML-N Vice-President Maryam Nawaz shared a picture of her father former prime minister Nawaz Sharif on her Twitter handle.

She also thanked the Almighty for the election of Shehbaz Sharif from the National Assembly.

PML-N senior leader Ahsan Iqbal said that the organised campaign against national institutions under the direction of Imran Niazi, sabotaging Pakistan's foreign policy and further aggravating the Pak-US relations shows Imran Khan was playing with the key interests of Pakistan.

Adviser to Chief Minister Sindh on Law and Administrator Karachi Murtaza Wahab said that political stability leads to economic stability something that had become rare during the PTI government.

"The investors have shown good confidence since the PTI’s departure which is evident from the sharp increase in stock market & improvement in the value rupee."


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