Imported Political Crisis
Today when I see fall of Pakistan’s elected political government on foreign powers’ behest, my heart aches the same way as if Pakistan lost to the Indian team in world cup final on Pakistan soil. It is now an established fact that the international power hub has openly opted for the regime change in Pakistan. Is Pakistan a banana republic? The evolving political scenario in which Pakistani nation observes ‘one versus rest’ compels to question why. The reason is obvious and clear as the day light. Pakistan, which for the very first time opted to act sovereign, is all set to be brought to its knees again. The foreign establishment is close to trumpet its success while leaving a clear message across the political elite of Pakistan – ‘remain in your socks, beggars can’t be choosers’. Ah, it ache my heart besides millions of my country mates who are patriotic and believes themselves to be a nation. The way Indian media covered Pakistan’s domestic haplessness and portrayed it being a herd of sheep instead of being a strong sovereign nation is really painful and disgusting for all patriots.
Our TV screens are replete with the news which brings gloom on majority of faces. Our kids asking parents, are we so weak? Are we a nation? It is primarily the case of a nation state, which we claim to be. We are a nation, having common language, religion, culture, norms, history and above all confined into a geographical state. We are part of a nation state which we got in the name of Allah. We are among the best states of the world with plenty of resources, may it be natural or human resource. We have all kinds of crops, weather with a geography containing deserts, mountains, plains and glaciers. We are the only Muslim nuclear weapons state whose armed forces are graded among top ten not by virtue of numbers and weapons but by the quality leadership, resilience, training, motivation, love for motherland, seeking martyrdom as honor and above all unity and comradeship. Where do we lack than? It is none but the poor inward looking Pakistani political leadership. The corruption which has creeped deep into political elite has made them sellable commodity and despite fear of public wrath it seems to be irreparable.
My write-up is not an effort to support Imran Khan but for the respect of our political infrastructure. Whether, Imran stays or is ousted, it doesn’t matter. The thing which matters is our identity as a sovereign nation or a banana republic. The current political crises are visibly foreign imported. It is not to support Imran’s government which failed on account of controlling the inflation but it was too due to international post Covid-19 repercussions. Albeit, Imran’s government should have preempted the challenge, yet this is not the main reason for ousting elected prime minister but a punishment to the people of Pakistan for daring to think sovereign and take decisions as per own strategic interests. The regime change in Pakistan is not a bad news for Imran Khan but a slap on the face of complete Pakistani nation. Are we so worth and price less that any power can just subjugate us. We are not a slave nation. We have a history; we are a proud celebrated nation which has kept its multiple times larger enemies at bay especially the perpetual enemy India. Then why it is so that none of Pakistani Premier could complete its term. The sole reason is the vested interests of politicians. Not all politicians but it is commonly perceived that politicians are corrupt, power hungry, black mailers and opportunists who are blamed internationally for being so cheap and naïve that they won’t hesitate to sell their mother(land) for a few dollars. The political elite has to shed away the impression that they come into power to earn huge amount of money through corruption and then reinvest the same ill-gotten money to buy votes to come into power for yet another term of loot and plunder. It is not only in Pakistan but a common phenomenon of subcontinent. Indian politicians are even more filthy and corrupt from head to toe.
Pakistan is no more an underdeveloped country but a rising and developing Pakistan, which has over 70 percent below the age of 30 years with skills, motivation and dedication. In this era of media, public can’t be befooled for long. The nation is much more educated and understands the international political gimmicks. Pakistani nation is closely watching the scenarios and are furious in majority over ill-treating Pakistan by international powers as banana republic. The nation has to make a choice between a herd of sheep or loins. We as a nation have to think big and beyond the old culture of electing corrupt and time tested cronies as their representatives based on cast, creed and geography. The nation has to be strong enough that none of the politician could dare selling itself for own interests while keeping people interests in back burner. Politics has to be revived as sacred responsibility and the impression of being a money minting profession has to be rejected.
Notwithstanding, Pakistani nation should rise to the occasion. The politicians who have been submitted to the international establishment agenda need to open their eyes and minds. Today, it is Imran Khan, tomorrow it could be them. None of the party is traitor and against Pakistan. It is the time that the nation in general and politicians in particular should join their hands together for the cause of Pakistan. It is the time that the Pakistani civilian establishment and political elite should not let disgrace Pakistan and make it a laughing stock. All those who are involved in siding with international plot for the regime change or working against Pakistan’s interests should face the trials. The honorable courts of Pakistan should also play their constructive role. The political, judiciary and civil establishment elites will be responsible for any dent to Pakistan’s image. Irrespective of the stature, Pakistan Army Act and National Security Acts should be promulgated against the culprits. Remember, today it is political structure which is being tarnished and destroyed, tomorrow the international establishment can threaten Pakistan’s center of gravity - the Armed Forces’ morale and credibility; albeit, they are capable enough to mitigate any such threat. In the end, Pakistani population should act as one nation and remain focused on slogan of ‘Pakistan First’. As a nation we have to choose between the options of tasting bitterness of sovereignty or else to continue living with comfort and sweetness of being a banana republic.