Father, son who were killed in Peshawar blast

A decade ago Haqiq Hussain migrated to Peshawar from Kurram tribal district in search of a better future

63 people were killed and nearly 200 were injured in blast during Friday prayers at an imambargah in Peshawar. PHOTO: REUTERS/FILE


It was on Monday March 7 when Haqiq Hussian breathed his last at Lady Reading Hospital (LRH) Peshawar after battling for life for three days. He had been left seriously injured in the Kocha Risaldar suicide blast on March 4 and his son seven-year-old Fahim Hussain had been killed in the attack.

A decade ago Haqiq Hussain migrated to Peshawar from Kurram tribal district in search of a better future. He was already married but he remarried in Peshawar.

“Kocha Risaldar is the main Shia Mohalla on the back of the historic Qisakhwani Bazaar inside the walled city and he opened an internet café there,” said a resident of Parachinar while talking to The Express Tribune.

“His son Fahim Hussain and two girls were born in Peshawar. Fahim was sent to a local school in Kocha Risaldar where he was a class 2 student,” he said, adding that when Haqiq migrated to Peshawar an unrest was going on in Kurram and people were fleeing for their lives.

“He wanted a better future for himself and his children so he migrated to Peshawar which was also in the grip of militancy but there were job opportunities here,” he recalled, adding that on that fateful day he along with his son went to the mosque to offer his Friday prayers as per his weekly routine. “His son died on the spot while he battled for life for several days.”


Published in The Express Tribune, March 14th, 2022.

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