‘Keep being you’: Hania Aamir’s open letter is dedicated to those who don’t fit in

Actor shared a detailed note addressed to the ‘innocent eccentric ones’ on her Instagram

Actor Hania Aamir recently took to Instagram to share a note dedicated to the “unicorns of humanity”, urging people who feel misunderstood in society to continue being themselves, despite the criticism they may face.

Hania started off by addressing the open letter to the “innocent eccentric ones”, writing, “People won’t understand you. Life will be a difficult chore for you. People will put you down every time you do something they are not [doing]. They will put you down for saying things they don’t understand. Coexisting will be hell for you.”

She added further, “Every time you try [to] address something bigger than yourself, you will face resistance. You will have harmless fun and get hate in return. You will be yourself and will be asked to change.” However, the actor urged her addressees to “keep laughing”, despite the fact that they are misunderstood by others.

“You’re sunshine and rainbows and glitter. But people for some reason don’t see your unconditional positivity. And to be honest, it’s not their fault; you’re the unicorns of humans, they haven’t seen many like you,” continued Hania.

She stressed, “You being yourself is not wrong,” adding, “So keep laughing. Spread smiles. Be the sunshine that you are. Think out loud. Let people know about your crazy ideas. Make dreaming big normal. Make dreaming abstract the new norm.”

Wishing for happiness for her readers, the Sang-e-Mah actor wrote, “I wish you find people who love you for you. I wish [for] you a family that finds pride in being yours. I wish you find friends who appreciate you for your individuality. I wish you find lovers who understand your free spirit. And most of all I wish you find the strength in you to keep being you.”

She concluded, “Shine brighter. Laugh louder. Make mistakes. Fall and get back up stronger. But be yourself. Your beautiful self.”

Hania has previously commented on her dedication to being true to herself despite the constant scrutiny she has to deal with. In a note published in 2021, the actor asserted, “I will grow and I will learn. But I will not apologise for being human. I will not apologise for growing [or] for evolving.”

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