Suicides at varsities

These two incidents, horrifying as they are, shook the educational circles of the province

It is a matter of shame that two female students of a medical university in Sindh have committed suicide in the recent past. Both were forced to take the extreme step reportedly due to sexual harassment. Such highly disgraceful incidents should attract the whole society’s attention for the resolution of the very grave issue of women’s harassment in educational institutions, workplace and various other spaces.

In November 2021, a fourth-year student of a medical university killed herself in her hostel room, and another student of the same university did the same. According to media reports, both intelligent females found themselves so cornered by blackmail that they preferred to take the ultimate step. Apart from that, a member of the provincial assembly has lodged a written complaint against the vice chancellor of another medical university in the province alleging harassment.

The Chief Minister of the province has taken the welcome step in this connection as he has ordered inquiries into the affairs of two medical universities in the province. He has sent the vice chancellors of the two varsities on forced leave of 45 days. The inquiry reports are expected within two months. These two incidents, horrifying as they are, shook the educational circles of the province, and female students felt the earth shaking under their feet for fear of ubiquitous predators.

The rising incidents of criminal assault on females indicate that they face hazards in the workplace, educational institutions, on roads and streets. Surprisingly, this is happening even when there are several anti-harassment laws on the statute books. There is only one way to stop crimes against women. The entire society — men, women, law and order machinery and activists — should join hands to combat these terrible crimes with all its might. Efforts should also be focused on shaming those who blame victims, sometimes even vociferously. Only anger and helplessness won’t do. If this is not done, females would continue to snuff out their own lives, and with this the dreams and hopes of their families.

Published in The Express Tribune, February 15th, 2022.

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