JI dharna outside Sindh Assembly enters 5th day

Naeemur Rehman warns PPP leadership against portraying the JI's rights movement in ethnic colors


Jamaat-e-Islami (JI)'s sit-in outside the Sindh Assembly building against the controversial legislation has continued for the fifth consecutive day despite rains and cold winds.

On the fifth day, a delegation representing minorities in the country visited the sit-in to express solidarity with the protestors. The delegation, led by Younous Sohan Advocate, assured the JI leadership and protestors of complete support by the community over the principle and just stance of the party. A delegation from Hyderabad also joined the sit-in protest.

A delegation of the Pakistan Sarzameen Party (PSP), led by Shabir Qaimkhani and Arshad Vohra, also visited the sit-in and paid a rich tribute to the protestors for their unshakeable resolute.

Representatives from various bodies of traders also visited and expressed solidarity with the people camping at the site in protest against the black law. As the JI setup temporary camp office of its Public Aid Committee at the site of the sit-in, a large number of people from across the city visited the sit-in to share their ordeals. A Mushaira was also organized at the sit-in to highlight the issues of Karachi in poetic version.

In his key note address to the protestors, JI Karachi chief Engr Hafiz Naeemur Rehman warned the PPP leadership against portraying the JI's rights movement in ethnic colors and dubbing it as Sindhi-Mohajir issue.

He made it clear that the JI has been struggling for the people of Karachi no matter from which area of the city they belong to. Karachi is mini Pakistan, he said, adding that people hailing from all regions dwell in this city.

He said that the PPP passed the black law in the provincial assembly that not only violates the rights of people in Karachi but the people from interior areas of the province as well. The JI's protest plan also include a march to the Chief Minister House, he said, adding that JI Pakistan Ameer Sirajul Haq will be visiting the sit-in on Friday, January 7.

The JI leader further said that the struggle for marooned masses will be continued despite all challenges.

Published in The Express Tribune, January 5th, 2022.

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