Omicron diagnostic facility available at LGH

Report of free test for Covid-19 variant will be issued same day


The Central Research Lab (CRL) of Lahore General Hospital (LGH) will provide diagnostic facility for the omicron variant of coronavirus to the general public.

Postgraduate Medical Institute & Ameeruddin Medical College Principal Dr Sardar Muhammad Al-Fareed Zafar said during a visit to the laboratory that the test would be free of charge and the report would be issued the same day.

Professor Al-Fareed appreciated the professional dedication and hard work of the staff of the CRL and said Covid-19 was a highly contagious virus that could be transmitted to another person immediately but the employees did not care about their own lives and continued their services in all circumstances.

He pointed out that 137,600 tests of Covid-19 had been done free of charge in the LGH so far and now the omicron testing facility had also been initiated. He claimed that Rs894.4 million would have to be spent by the people on the number of coronavirus tests in private labs, but he LGH had offered te facility free of change in accordance with the Punjab health policy.

The PGMI principal said omicron had been declared the world's most dangerous and rapidly spreading virus, so people should strictly adhere to the standard operating procedures (SOPs) to protect themselves from the deadly disease.

LGH Medical Superintendent Dr Amir Ghafoor Mufti said experts had advised people who had taken both doses of coronavirus vaccine to receive a booster dose, especially those suffering from various diseases or in old age.

Talking to the media, Professor Al-Fareed said a massive awareness campaign launched over the past two years had reached everyone. “Therefore, it is the duty of the citizens to fulfil their national responsibility by wearing a face mask, ensure social distancing and avoid crowded places,” he said.

“Pakistan has made a significant achievement in dealing with Covid-19 and we would maintain this success by tackling omicron in a more befitting manner,” he added.


Published in The Express Tribune, December 29th, 2021.

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