Balochistan IG aims to overhaul police

Repeated offenders will be mentioned in the challan so that the courts do not grant them bail

Outstanding cadets belonging to 10th batch of Balochistan police pictured with provincial home minister, IG police and others in Quetta. PHOTO: ISPR


Balochistan Inspector General of Police (IG) Muhammad Tahir Rai on Monday said the culture of police stations will be changed through public service and crime control. Addressing senior police officers of the province through a meeting held via video-link, the IGP said police should treat people kindly at police stations. He urged police personnel to register first information reports (FIRs) immediately and conduct investigations on merit.

“Funds for investigation expenses have been provided to investigation officers of all police stations,” IG Rai said, adding that the no burden will be placed on the people and the police will not demand any money from them. The provincial police chief highlighted that the patrolling and blockade plan would be fully implemented. “SHOs (station house officers) will patrol at night. Attendance of all staff [members] will be ensured in the police station.

Roll [call] will be held in the morning and evening.” IG Rai informed reporters that a special drive has been launched to immediately arrest all notorious criminals and fugitives. “The DIGs (deputy inspector generals) will supervise it themselves. All interim challan cases will be opened and the investigation will be completed.

A complete challan will be submitted to the courts. Repeated offenders will be mentioned in the challan so that the courts do not grant them bail,” he said.

The IG went on to add that in case of an emergency, the public should call 15 and for general complaints or detailed complaints against the police they should call 1715. He maintained that terrorism will be completely eradicated from the province and strict action will be taken against terrorist organisations and their facilitators.

“Peace established through sacrifices of the martyrs will be maintained and no one will be allowed to disturb this peace. The martyrs of the police are our capital and their families are being taken care of. The people will live in peace and their property will be protected by the police,” IG Rai concluded.

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