LG polls prove JUI-F is 'largest party' of K-P, says Fazl

Opposition leader says elections results vindicated their stance that 2018 polls were rigged

JUI-F chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman. PHOTO: ONLINE/FILE

JUI-F chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman has said that local body elections in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (K-P) have proved once again that his party was the single largest party of the province.

He made these remarks while addressing a press conference along with former Balochistan chief minister Aslam Raisani in Quetta on Monday.

“This election has proved that previous [2018 general elections] were rigged and JUI-F was and still is the largest party of the province,” he remarked.

His statement comes as the ruling PTI faced a setback in the local government elections held in K-P with the candidates of the opposition parties managing to defeat the ruling party nominees in most areas, including the provincial capital.

Also read: PTI faces setback in K-P as opposition parties lead in LG polls

The elections were held in 17 districts, comprising 64 tehsils, on a party-basis as per the ruling of the courts.

Out of 64 tehsils, the Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam (JUI-F) headed by Maulana Fazlur Rehman is leading on 18 tehsil chairperson seats, whereas the PTI is trailing behind with 14 seats.

Fazl said some forces did not want religious parties to come into power due to their ideology.

“Why we [JUI-F] would be unacceptable to the Western world when the United States ‘allowed’ Taliban to take over Afghanistan?” he added.

The JUI-F chief further said the elections results have vindicated their stance that corruption allegations had been used as a tool to victimise opposition parties.

“The practice to defame politicians should end now,” said Fazl, adding that his party could run the affairs of the state better than the ruling PTI.


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