AJK PM urges world to help end Indian atrocities in IIOJK

Says International community have turned deaf to the cries of the Kashmiri people

Barbed wire is seen laid on a deserted road during restrictions in Srinagar. PHOTO: REUTERS


Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) Prime Minister Sardar Abdul Qayyum Khan Niazi urged the international community to take notice of the atrocities committed by the Indian occupying forces against innocent people of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) and other minority communities across India.

He was addressing a news conference along with deputy speaker AJK Legislative Assembly Chaudhry Riaz Gujjar and leader of the opposition in Sindh Assembly Haleem Adil Sheikh in Karachi.

Niazi said that Muslims of India particularly people of IIOJK were living a miserable life under the tyrannical Modi regime and they were being subjected to the vendetta of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS).

He paid homage to the people and leadership of Jammu and Kashmir who despite brutalities and carnage of Indian barbaric forces were determined and fighting on every front for their right of self-determination.

He was of the opinion that USA, UK, European Union, United Nations and International Human Rights Organizations had turned deaf ears to the hue and cry of the oppressed people of IIOJK and minorities of India.

Even Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) had failed to sense the miseries of the people of occupied Kashmir, Palestine and the Rohingya community of Myanmar and playing a proactive role for providing solace to Muslims suffering atrocities and oppression, he added.

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The AJK premier said he had conveyed the same feelings to visiting delegation of OIC and urged them to exercise their influence over USA, EU and United Nations for protecting minorities of India particularly people of IIOJK from repression of brutal Indian forces and extremist RSS as well as people of Palestine.

Niazi noted that minorities in Pakistan were enjoying equal rights and availing all the facilities like other citizens of the country as they have equal opportunities of participation in political and social life as well as economic activities.

He lauded Prime Minister Imran Khan for raising voice for people of IIOJK in United Nations and announcing Rs500 billion worth of packages for development and promotion of tourism in AJK that would open vistas of development and help uplifting standard of life in the valley. Work on different projects under the package has been initiated, he added.

He lamented that previous AJK government left difficulties and created hurdles for the upcoming government. Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) government recruited over 5,000 people violating merit and regularized their services just four days before expiry of their term by passing an act, he said adding that PTI government has enacted a law that entails regularization of services with a test to ensure career opportunities are on the basis of merit.

The AJK PM also lauded Leader of the opposition in Sindh Haleem Adil Sheikh who has become an effective voice of marginalized people of Sindh and become a shield against tyranny of traditional oppressive forces in Sindh.

Earlier, Sheikh welcomed the AJK PM and observed that Niazi was a brave son Kashmir who was struggling for rights and emancipation of Kashmiri people. He also presented the distinguished guest with tradition gift of Sindhi Cap and Ajrak.


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