Punjab approves maiden cultural policy

Buzdar terms province hub of folklores, carnivals, language, art and craft

Artists perform a traditional dance on the first day of the sixth Hyderabad Literature Festival. Besides dance performances, the event featured songs, tableaus, book launches and panel discussions. PHOTO: APP


The Punjab government has approved its maiden Cultural Policy 2021. Culture Minister Khayal Ahmed Kastro, on Monday, presented the policy to Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar.

Punjab Information and Culture Secretary briefed the chief minister about salient features of the new policy.

The chief minister commended efforts of the culture minister and information secretary and directed to expedite the spate of cultural activities.

“The credit goes to the PTI-led government for formulating the maiden cultural policy of the province,” he added.

“Under the policy, the artistes would be brought under the social safety net while promoting norms of societal peace and brotherhood through cultural activity,” he remarked.

“Strengthening of the economy through promotion of art and culture and the orange economy is part of the cultural policy which would also encourage film economy by creating opportunities for the out of work artists,” Buzdar said.

He said the steps would be taken to revive the film industry as the culture of Punjab is becoming an identity of the country the world over. There are four old cultural heritage sites in Punjab while nine cultural monuments would also be included in cultural heritage through UNESCO, he continued.

The CM termed Punjab the hub of folklores, carnivals, language, arts and craft whose cultural heritage is an attractive tourist destination in the world. “Punjab is being transformed into a peaceful, progressive and cultural developing hub,” he asserted.

The government is devising a foolproof mechanism to promote culture and protection of cultural heritage in the province because it would promote tourism, cultural and social activities, he maintained. Similarly, literature, art, theatre and folk music are other vibrant identities of Punjab and gender balance would be ensured while promoting culture, the CM said.

Meanwhile, the chief minister took notice of fashion modeling incident in the premises of Gurdwara Kartarpur and sought a report from the chief secretary.

Published in The Express Tribune, November 30th, 2021.

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