Need to probe audio leak

This episode is directly impacting national politics, and pointing a finger at the superior judiciary

The controversy related to a purported audio of a former chief justice of Pakistan is creating media hype. Though the honourable judge has repeatedly denied its content, as well as veracity, the mystery goes on. In the audio, the former chief justice is blamed for directing a Brother Judge to convict former prime minister Nawaz Sharif, and his daughter Maryam Nawaz, and allegedly goes on to argue that “he has been told to do so”. The PML-N, which stands to benefit from the leaks, is up in arms and is playing to the gallery.

This episode is directly impacting national politics, and pointing a finger at the superior judiciary. This is why it needs to be thoroughly and impartially probed, so that justice is seen to be done and the questions being raised at the sanctity of the superior judiciary could be addressed. Unlike many such allegations, this audio leak should not be dumped or ignored with the passage of time. The reason is that it involves the conduct of a very important pillar of the state, and at the same time illustrates how low politics could stoop, if found to be fabricated. There are many pointers to begin a professional and orderly investigation, and that too at the hands of our best sleuths.

At its inception, it was claimed that the chief justice was heard talking on phone, and its contents were confirmed by another judge, who happened to be the chief justice of Gilgit-Baltistan High Court. The former made it public through an affidavit attested by a solicitor in London known to the PML-N. Hardly had that claim been testified, a formal audio surfaced with a voice similar to the pitch of the judge in question. This audio managed to get a verification certificate from a US media firm, and again that too promptly by the Nawaz League. This smells like a rat, and the rush behind it to reach conclusions is disturbing.

It is mandatory upon the government to act as a jury to critically probe the audio tape — through men of repute. No point is playing the ballgame of counter-allegations on the PML-N for political point-scoring. Let justice be done by exposing the characters behind the ridicule.

Published in The Express Tribune, November 24th, 2021.

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