Sindh govt to provide subsidy to farmers: Wassan

Kharif farmers will get a total subsidy of Rs3.6 billion through Sindh Bank on Hari Card

Province produces 69% of gas but it is forced to pay cess for gas import. PHOTO: EXPRESS


Sindh chief minister's Adviser on agriculture, Manzoor Hussain Wassan has said that Sindh government will provide a subsidy of Rs1,500 per acre to farmers on DAP, cotton and rice crops while Rs1,200 per acre will be given to farmers on white fly.

He further said that Sindh will give a subsidy of Rs3,607 million through Sindh Bank on Hari Card to Kharif farmers. Whereas for farmers of cotton and seed will be given Rs1,200 per acre.

This subsidy will be given to farmers on Kharif Crop of 2021. Wassan said that relevant agriculture officers, assistant commissioners, Sindh Abadgar Board and representatives of Agriculture Chamber of Commerce would monitor the disbursement of subsidy at tehsil levels across the province. Receipt will confirm the lands according to the list and revenue card.

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The agriculture advisor said that due to late receipt of funds from the federation, the subsidy to the famers was delayed.

The survey of all the small farmers of the province has been completed so far and applications are being received in the respective tehsils. More strategies are being devised for subsidies on other crops as well.


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