Pakistan set to observe 'Black Day' against Indian brutalities in IIOJK

Pakistanis, Kashmiris across the world will highlight Kashmiris' miseries at scheduled events


Pakistan will mark October 27 as the 'Black Day' to express solidarity with the oppressed people of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) and highlight their decades-long miseries at the hands of the Indian security forces.

A number of activities including rallies and different events have been planned for the day to shake the conscience of the international community, especially the United Nations urging it to play its due role in providing Kashmiris their legitimate right to self-determination.

Banners, inscribed with the Black Day messages and pictures of prominent Kashmiri leaders, have been placed on key junctions and roads of the federal capital to exhibit unity with the people of Kashmir.

Pakistanis and Kashmiris, living in any part of the world, would observe the day in a befitting manner, reminding the UN resolutions passed by its Security Council in favour of the right to self-determination of the people of IIOJK.

The Ministry of Kashmir Affairs and Gilgit-Baltistan has chalked out a comprehensive programme for observing the day with a renewed spirit, while the provincial governments have also planned various activities to mark the day.

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On the occasion, the print and electronic media would publish articles and air special programmes to highlight plight of Kashmiris.

Public gatherings, rallies, walks and protest demonstrations would be arranged at the district and tehsil levels across the country including Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) and Gilgit-Baltistan, while following the Covid-19 SOPs.

A photo exhibition will also be arranged in the cities to highlight rights abuses, extra-judicial killings, and disabilities of Kashmiris through pellet guns at the hands of Indian security forces.

In the federal and provincial capitals, documentaries would be played on large screens installed at key places in which Indian atrocities and the human tragedy unfolding in the territory will be depicted.

Pakistani missions abroad would also organise events and engage with the diaspora, local parliamentarians, think-tanks and other relevant people to highlight significance of the day and remind the international community of its obligation to use its influence over India to resolve the decades’ old issue.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, through its missions abroad, will also publish editorials and opinion pieces in foreign press to highlight the situation in IIOJ&K.

Also read Pakistan vows to raise Kashmir issue at UN

In AJK, rallies, demonstrations and protest gatherings will be organised in all small and large cities of the state under the auspices of Kashmir Liberation Cell, Hurriyat and religious organisations.

The unending agonies of people of Kashmir started on October 27, 1947, when New Delhi invaded and forcibly held most parts of the state having 87 per cent Muslim population. It was the sheer violation of the Independence Act and Partition Plan of the sub-continent by India that sowed a seed of dispute for the coming generations.

Since the invasion, the people of occupied Kashmir have not taken a sigh of relief as atrocities by the occupation forces kept increasing with each passing day to silence the voices of freedom.

After going through the 74-year physical and mental agony, now, the Kashmiris are facing the worst type of repression at the hands of the Modi-led fascist government.

The regime stripped the held territory of its special status, on August 5, 2019, by revoking Articles 370 and 35-A of Indian constitution to change its demographic apartheid.


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