Taliban announce creation of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan

Netherlands says its first evacuation flight returned empty as US troops blocked people from entering airport

AFP August 19, 2021
Afghan Taliban spokesperson Zabihullah Mujahid


The Taliban on Thursday announced the creation of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan on the 102nd anniversary of the country's independence from British rule.

"[This is the] declaration of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan on the occasion of the 102nd anniversary of the country's independence from British rule," tweeted Taliban spokesperson Zabiullah Mujahid.

In Kabul, Taliban fighters manned checkpoints the airport as concerns were expressed that they were blocking Afghans from reaching evacuation flights, with the United States demanding safe passage.

Tens of thousands of people have tried to flee Afghanistan since the hardline militants swept into the capital on Sunday, completing a stunning rout of government forces and ending two decades of war.

Taliban leaders have in recent days repeatedly vowed not to seek revenge against their opponents, while seeking to project an image of tolerance.

They have also sort to portray growing political authority, with Taliban co-founder Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar returning from exile and other senior figures meeting ex-president Hamid Karzai.

But the United States said Wednesday the Taliban were reneging on pledges to allow Afghans who worked with the United States and its allies out of the country.

"We have seen reports that the Taliban, contrary to their public statements and their commitments to our government, are blocking Afghans who wish to leave the country from reaching the airport," Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman told reporters.

"We expect them to allow all American citizens, all third-country nationals, and all Afghans who wish to leave to do so safely and without harassment."

Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said Tuesday that the new regime would be "positively different" from their 1996-2001 stint.

The United States ultimately led the invasion of Afghanistan to topple the Taliban because they continued to provide sanctuary for Al-Qaeda after the September 11 attacks.

"I am desperate to leave, I have bad memories of their regime," a 30-year-old person who worked for a foreign NGO and tried but failed to reach Kabul airport on Wednesday told AFP.

"They hate people who have worked for other agencies rather than their movement."
The person recounted hearing shots being fired, and crowds of people trying to reach the airport.

Read Pakistan to recognise Taliban govt after consultation with regional players: Fawad

"Despite that (the shooting) people were moving forward just because they knew a situation worse than death awaited them outside the airport."

The United States said it had airlifted out nearly 5,000 US citizens and Afghans, while France, Britain, and other nations have also organised evacuation flights.

But the Taliban have not been solely to blame for Afghans being unable to flee.

The Netherlands said Wednesday its first evacuation flight returned without a single Dutch or Afghan national as US troops blocked them from entering the airport.

At the start of the week, before the US military took greater control at the airport, there were scenes of tragic desperation with mobs of people trying to board planes.

Some footage showed hundreds of people running alongside a US Air Force plane as it rolled down the runway, with some clinging to the side of it.

One person was later found dead in the wheel well of the plane.

President Joe Biden -- under pressure at home and abroad over his handling of the withdrawal of US forces after 20 years of war -- said Wednesday that some soldiers could remain past the August 31 deadline to ensure all Americans get out.

In an interview with ABC News, Biden also issued another defence of the withdrawal.

"The idea that somehow there's a way to have gotten out without chaos ensuing, I don't know how that happens," Biden said in an ABC News television interview.

On the political front, the Taliban continued to edge towards establishing a government, meeting with senior Afghan figures from the past two decades.

Also read Taliban in Kabul start collecting weapons from civilians

Taliban negotiator Anas Haqqani met with Karzai, the first Western-backed leader of Afghanistan after the Taliban's ouster in 2001, and Abdullah Abdullah, who had led the government's peace council, the SITE monitoring group said.

In the United Arab Emirates, ousted president Ashraf Ghani -- who fled on Sunday as the insurgents closed in on the capital -- said he supported negotiations between the Taliban and former top officials and was in his own talks to return home.

But Sherman said Ghani was "no longer a figure" on the country's complex political stage.


gs | 3 years ago | Reply Can anyone find any Muslim among the Taliban If the Taliban were Muslims why would people try to run away from them When Muslims appeared in Arabia 1400 years ago most of the Arabs had the most wild and weird habits and practices. Killing each other and warring among each other was the order of the day. The appearance of Muslims revolutionised everything in Arabia. Enemies became friends heart-warming heart winning habits prevailed. Non-Muslims started getting attracted to Muslims. No one would want to run away from those Arab Muslims. Rather instead people would like the company of Muslims and when influenced by their lovely behaviour would become Muslims. Absolutely certainly not the way we see people trying to run away from the Taliban. Did anyone calling him herself Muslim hear the Almighty commanding them to organise their Jumeeyah Jumeeyah in the localities where they live Here is what the Almighty commanded Wahtusaymoo bay hublillahay Jumeeyah. Do we see Muslims obeying the Almighty anywhere Yah husrat ullul eabad No sign of it Why do people endure slavery and the kind of harassment we see the Afghans and people throughout the world suffering from today The reason is their disobedience to what the Almighty commanded them to do for their total benefit. Organising Jumeeyah is the only way people can become responsible citizens and enable themselves to remain free from the slavery of anyone. The slavery people endure throughout the world. What the Almighty commanded Muslims the intellectuals among the non-Muslims also urged the people to do the same i.e. organise their Peoples Union. Peoples union the only way to achieve Peoples democracy. The Almighty warned No soul shall carry the burden of another soul on Yaumulqiyahmuh. It means that creating an Islamic State is the responsibility of every one who pledges to obey no one but the Almighty. So can we see people coming together to create their Jumeeyah A Jumeeyah or coming together of the people to become responsible citizens and hence to be able to look after those matters that concern them collectively No. We do not see Muslims showing their pledge in their deeds. This is the reason people suffer what the Afghans and everyone in the world have been suffering from. Slavery of those who are organised to take them slaves. So the people who do NOT want to endure slavery of anyone owe it to themselves to come together the way the Almighty commanded them and become active in looking after the common interests of all collectively. There is no other option for people to be able to liberate themselves from the chains of slavery. The slavery people bring upon themselves through their inaction.
Son | 3 years ago | Reply Pak army is equipping Taliban with weapons
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