Adnan Siddiqui didn't pay heed to unwarranted advices while recovering from Covid

Actor urged everyone to not panic the weakhearted needlessly with unnecessary suggestions on how to combat the virus

Ten days ago, actor Adnan Siddiqui announced he had tested positive for Covid-19. The renowned actor had revealed that he had quarantined himself and is taking care of himself while thanking his fans, followers and family for praying for his speedy recovery. 

The actor has now recovered from the coronavirus and has shared a thought-provoking video. Taking to Instagram, Adnan once again expressed his gratitude to well-wishers while noting that he had learned a thing or two while he was recovering. 

"It's been 15 days and I am finally out of quarantine," the Meray Paas Tum Ho star began in the clip. "While recuperating from the virus, I did a few things - I read, I wrote and I even tried my hand at cooking. So many of you sent me wishes and prayed for my speedy recovery, I am very grateful. But another thing that I received in abundance were needless pieces of advice."

He added, "For someone with weak willpower, the panic can easily take over. So, I did what I thought was best. I listened to the said advice from one ear and let it out the other."

Talking about his time in isolation, Adnan shared, "Quite a significant day for me as I complete a fortnight of only virtual contact, away from civilisation as we know it. My express thanks to those who checked on me regularly. As I have said before, I feel truly blessed. But special gratitude is reserved for the ones who I call Panic Buttons. I may have personally not pressed as many in my entire life as the ones I spoke to in this isolation period."

He added, "The main objective of their calls was to show concern albeit in a manner that completely defied the purpose. Over these days, I have had the pleasure of memorising names of medicines, supplements, making imaginary dietary plans, random mental visits to doctors; all this while only making the right sounds of hmmms and grunts. Funnily enough, these well-wishers followed up on too with the same diligence as they called."

The Mom star then commented, "My only word of advice to these over-diligent souls is: please do not call those who have tested positive if all you have in your script is how worse it can be. Telling someone he is going towards death with Godspeed after the sixth day is criminal."

He concluded with, "After two weeks of enduring this onslaught myself, I am seriously mulling to write to the government to pass a law against such calls and prosecute those who violate."

Last week, the Dum Mastam producer took to his Instagram to let his fans know about the 'bug' that bit him.

"Hey everyone! So I have also been bitten by the bug, not the love bug but the Covid one," he shared. "I tested positive today, thankfully with mild infection and immediately placed myself in isolation," added Adnan.

He had gone to urge those who had been in close proximity to him in the past few days to get tested as well. "I urge all of you who came in contact with me in the last one week, to get the tests done. Fingers crossed, stay safe guys!" he had written. 

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