PTI makes charge-sheet against ‘corrupt’ PPP

Opposition leader says document has solid proof on party’s wrongdoings

Haleem Adil Shaikh. PHOTO: Haleem Adil Shaikh


Sindh Assembly Opposition Leader Haleem Adil Sheikh said that the PTI leadership has prepared a 'charge-sheet' against incompetent and corrupt PPP rulers of Sindh. He believed this development would effectively expose their corrupt practices and wrongdoings on all forums.

Sheikh, who is also PTI's central vice president, spoke to the media on Saturday and said that after preparing the charge-sheet, the party would not file petitions in the superior courts. However, the PTI leaders would speak to the media and people from different walks on the issue.

He said it was high time the true face of the ruling party was exposed. He alleged the PPP leadership had mercilessly plundered public money from the people of Sindh over the last 13 years. He stated that people of the province had been deprived of all basic amenities through the entire province.

He claimed the charge-sheet would prove to be the last nail in the coffin of the corrupt PPP rulers in Sindh. He said that it contained serious charges with solid proof of their massive scams and corrupt practices.

The PTI man said the corrupt leaders, under the supervision of Sindh chief minister Syed Murad Ali Shah and his bosses, committed malpractices in every department and turned the province to ruin. He added the PPP leadership was responsible for the mess created due to 13 years of misrule.

"Asif Ali Zardari, Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, Murad Ali Shah and their cronies are only interested in making money, by hook or by crook. They have forced the people to live in below subhuman conditions" he added.

Sheikh said his party would inform people that the huge amount meant for welfare schemes was pocketed by PPP leaders. He hoped the PTI and its allies would get huge a positive response from people of the province.

The PTI vice president hoped that the courts would provide some relief to the masses since corrupt rulers had crossed all limits. "The battered roads, dilapidated buildings of hospitals and schools with no facilties or staffers, overflowing gutters and damaged infrastructure of every department are glaring examples of the worst sort of governance by PPP rulers in Sindh.''

He asserted that it was the responsibility of each person to join them to get rid of the most corrupt and inefficient people imposed on them. Sheikh said that it was a black day in parliamentary history when the opposition and parliamentary leaders were not allowed to speak during the concluding session of the budget in Sindh Assembly.

He said Murad Ali Shah and his team members were scared of their misdeeds and that is the reason they pressured the speaker who did not let them speak on the important document of the fiscal budget. He also lashed out at Agha Siraj Durani for his partial role in conducting the session and deprived leaders the chance to speak on the floor of the house.

He said that rulers got the budget passed in haste by muzzling opposition voices, but warned they would not be given a freehand to loot and plunder public funds this time round.

Published in The Express Tribune, June 27th, 2021.

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