6 things to avoid if you’re trying to get pregnant

Here are some tips for those who are planning to start a family anytime soon

Pregnancy is a beautiful journey but getting pregnant can be hard for many women. Hence, it is important for an aspiring mother to be aware of all the tricks that can enhance conception. As compiled from Pinkvilla, here is some tips for those who are planning to start a family.  

Avoid cigarettes

Smoking, in addition to raising the risk of lung, colon and pancreatic cancer (and harming your overall health), can also make it difficult to conceive. Women who smoke hasten the ageing of their ovarian follicles, which may result in early menopause and a higher risk of infertility.

However, men should also give up the habit. While the effects of smoking on sperm are less clear, research indicates that it can harm sperm structure and function, with the severity of the damage being related to the amount of cigarettes smoked.

Avoid too much caffeine

You don't have to give up your morning coffees but you should consider reducing the amount of cups you drink every day. The results differ, but to be healthy, limit yourself to two cups or less. Excessive caffeine is linked to lower fertility and increased risk of miscarriages once you get pregnant.

Avoid too much exercise

Although exercise has been shown to shorten the time it takes to conceive, it is also important to not overdo it. High-intensity exercises are linked to taking longer to conceive. One potential explanation is that excessive exercise can result in significant weight loss and hormonal changes, which can lead to erratic or missed menstruation.

Avoid junk food

Women with infertility linked to irregular cycles, on the other hand, can benefit from reducing their sugar and refined food intake and increasing the amount of fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, and plant-based proteins they eat. A well-balanced diet will not only help you maintain a healthy weight but it will also control your insulin levels, all of which will improve your chances of falling pregnant.

Avoid fish with a high mercury content

Fish (especially cold-water fish like salmon and sardines) are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which help with foetal brain growth. Other fish varieties, on the other hand, can contain high levels of mercury which damage a baby's growing brain and increase the chances of miscarrying. Swordfish, tilefish, king mackerel and shark are examples of fish with high toxins.

Control your anxiety

It's difficult to remove all tensions from our lives and research on the subject appears to be mixed. However, recent studies indicate that the greater the perceived tension, the more difficult it is for women to conceive. Stress, particularly if it lasts for a long time, can cause hormonal changes that hamper ovulation and fertility.

If you're taking too much stress, talk to an expert about ways to cope. Look into therapies like yoga, meditation and acupuncture, which can help you relax and improve your chances of conceiving.

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