NA speaker asks Shahid Khaqan Abbasi to tender apology

PTI leaders also condemn former PM’s ‘undemocratic behavior’

PML-N leader Shahid Khaqan Abbasi talking to media persons in Islamabad on March 12, 2021. SCREENGRAB


Speaker National Assembly Asad Qaiser has asked former prime minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi to tender an apology for a “continuous misbehavior” with the custodian of the lower house and for violating the “accepted parliamentary norms”.

In a letter issued by the National Assembly Secretariat on Wednesday, the speaker referred to his spat with Abbasi, a stalwart of the PML-N, during the NA’s emergency session on Tuesday.

During the session which the government summoned to table a resolution to discuss whether or not the French ambassador should be expelled from Pakistan in protest against blasphemy in France, Abbasi went near the speaker’s dice after Qaiser did not allow some opposition lawmakers to speak.

Abbasi reportedly told the speaker that he should be ashamed of himself. Qaiser asked the PML-N leader to watch his tongue, alleging that Abbasi always adopts inappropriate behavior. “I will beat you with a shoe,” the former premier had replied.

Alluding to the incident, the letter said: “The honorable speaker is of the view that you have eroded/disregarded his authority and by your such act the smooth running of the proceedings of the NA was obstructed and [you] interrupted and obstructed the business of the NA and ridiculed the chairs.”

The speaker demanded that Abbasi tender an apology and explain within seven days of the receipt of the letter as to why the action in terms of rule 21 should not be taken against him. “If reply is not received within the time, it will be presumed that you have no explanation to offer,” it added.

Special Assistant to the Prime Minister Dr Shahbaz Gill and PTI leader Sadaqat Abbasi on Wednesday also condemned Abbasi’s statement and termed it “undemocratic and immoral”.

Sadaqat denounced the threatening tone of the former prime minister and said political parties, the media and intelligentsia should discourage such intolerant behavior.“Abbasi must apologize to the National Assembly speaker over his ill-conduct,” he demanded.



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