5 Surf Excel ads that made us understand the true meaning of Ramazan

Let's discover how these iconic Surf Excel ads filled our hearts with joy

There’s always so much talk about the festivities and joy when the holy month of Ramazan comes along, and this year we’re sure it’s going to be the same. However, along with enjoying all the fervour this month brings, there are certain brands that also remind us how important it is to do good deeds for others in Ramazan as well. One such supremely popular brand is Surf Excel, which aces the game each year with their ads containing strong messages.

Proving that ‘Daagh Tou Achay Hotay Hain’ when you get them doing good deeds and not caring if you get them while caring about others or showing us how 'Neki' is also an 'Ibadat', Surf Excel gives us so much to understand and love about this month of Ramazan. This year too, we are hoping that Surf Excel will add to this mission of spreading a beautiful message to the country, and it’s going to be one that will leave us super emotional.

But, before we get to see the latest Ramazan ad, we look at how the last five years of Surf Excel ads made us shed tears…

Madad Ek Ibadat

Creating an advertisement that still induces goosebumps with its emotional message, Surf Excel really made their 2016 Ramazan ad in a way that made us realise that our path to God is directly connected to helping others. The beautiful message to accept the daagh on our clothes in order to help others still make people remember this ad fondly!

Neki Ek Ibadat

Ads rarely make the impact that Surf Excel has managed to do each Ramazan, and this one in 2017, talking about 'Neki' being an 'Ibadat' truly struck a chord with the masses. The idea of helping those around us in any way possible to us is shown through a beautiful connection between a child and his aim to make an elderly keep his Roza, making this an ad full of beautiful moments.

Ek Neki Rozana

A hard-hitting message for Ramazan, this ad from 2018 made so many around the country weep with its strong storyline based around reconnecting family bonds and forgetting past animosities. The message truly proved to be the one everyone loved to see in the holy month, and to this date, this ad has the power to make anyone mega emotional.

Eesar Ek Ibadat

Bringing forward the message of helping others before ourselves and thinking about them in our prayers, the 2019 Ramazan ad by Surf Excel was all about the pure vibes of the blessed month. We not only see child-like innocence, but also understand the true meaning of what 'Eesar' means. If you want to understand what makes Ramazan such a month of gratitude, then this ad will help you.

Neki Nahi Rukegi

Whether it is to understand the meaning of this month or to bring people close, there’s always something that makes the Surf Excel ad super close to our hearts. Now, our hopes are so high, and we bet this year too Surf Excel will make us love them even more! Let’s see!


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