'See you in Portimao', says Marc Marquez

Six-time MotoGP champion ready to return from right arm injury for Honda


Six-time MotoGP world champion Marc Marquez says he has finally recovered from the injuries that wiped out all of last season and will return at the Portuguese Grand Prix on Sunday week.

"See you in Portimao next week," the Spaniard, who rides for Honda, posted on Instagram on Saturday.

Marquez fractured his right arm when he fell in the first Grand Prix of last season, an injury that required three bouts of surgery, the last in December.

He returned to training at the beginning of February but was unable to line up for the first two races of the new campaign in Qatar.

"I'M VERY HAPPY!" the returning MotoGP king posted on social media alongside a photo of him grinning from ear to ear.

"Yesterday I visited the doctors and they gave me the green light to return to competition.

"They have been 9 difficult months, with moments of uncertainties and ups and downs, and now, finally, I will be able to enjoy my passion again! See you next week in Portimao!!"

His Honda team confirmed their star rider was at last ready to ride.

"Marquez can resume competition, taking into account the reasonable risk associated with this sporting activity," Honda said.

The 28-year-old has downplayed his chances of adding a seventh world title this year.

"My goal is to enjoy being on the bike again and little by little to get back to being as fast as I was," he said at Honda's seasonal launch in February.

"What you have to understand is that you cannot expect after 10 months away from the bike to arrive at the first race and be the same Marc.

"It's the first time that I have been so long without being on the bike and I don't know what that first lap will be like but I know it will not be 100 per cent."


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