Indian External Affairs Minister SM Krishna said in Rajya Sabha that Sarabjit Singh has been sentenced to death on September 15, 1991 on allegations that he was involved in three bomb blasts in Lahore and one in Multan. "It is not our case that he was involved (in those blasts)," he said during Question Hour. "We don't share that." India has taken up the matter with Government of Pakistan "very seriously," he said. With Sarabjit's mercy petition pending before Pakistan President, he said, "it is necessary for them to take a humanitarian view" of the petition.
Krishna said there are 558 Indian nationals in custody in Pakistan. Of them, 232 are civilian prisoners, 252 fishermen and 74 missing defence personnel. The missing defence personnel include 54 Prisoners of War since 1971.
"Government of Pakistan has acknowledged presence of only 72 Indian civilian prisoners and 237 fishermen lodged in Pakistani jails. Pakistan does not acknowledge the presence of any Missing Defence Personnel in its custody," he said.
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Very good advice. Now whenever I want to commit a sin I will convert to some other religion and again back to Islam to wash away all the sins. All of my life from now on I will move to and fro from a different religion and Islam that will not only alllow me to do anything I want.
@Cynical: good one LOL so even osama is Innocent.
Sarbjit Singh should convert to Islam, provided he is not pardoned and wants to save his life.
Recently I found this on an website providing guidance for those who wants to convert to Islam.
"Upon entering the fold of Islam purely for the Pleasure of God, all of one’s previous sins are forgiven, and one starts a new life of piety and righteousness. The Prophet said to a person who had placed the condition upon the Prophet in accepting Islam that God would forgive his sins: “Do you not know that accepting Islam destroys all sins which come before it?” (Saheeh Muslim) When one accepts Islam, they in essence repent from the ways and beliefs of their previous life. One need not be overburdened by sins committed before their acceptance. The person’s record is clean, and it is as if he was just born from his mother’s womb. One should try as much as possible to keep his records clean and strive to do as many good deeds as possible."
So if Sarabjit Singh convert to Islam he becomes free from whatever sin he has committed and becomes as innocent as a daisy, and can escape the noose legally.
Yes please release him. He must be old by now. Also we know the system in India. No support for the families of prisoners. There is no hope for him I think!
No DON'T release until they release our PEOPLES
It have to be decide by just PAK ARMY. So we are wasting our time to comment on this topic. nothing will happen with our comments.
Indians pride themselves as astute businessmen, IT wizards and what not, and release 90,000 Pakistani POW before getting back these 54 POWs of their's. Any proof required as to who is smarter?
Thank you.Now we know Afzal Guru is Pakistani.
@Arsalan: "What is Indian’s stance on Afzal Guru Case ?" His appeal for mercy has been submitted to President with a recommendation to reject it! But, watch what happens next. In all probability, the President has been set up for a fall. And learn, how democratic institutions like Judiciary are screwed in a Democracy!
Indian government release Muhammad Arif who has been convicted for attack on Lal Fort (Lal Qila) & sentenced to death. Pakistan will think to release Sarabjit singh.
No need to release this Killer.
What is Indian's stance on Afzal Guru Case ?
I hope Pakistan releases him.
we released 90k POW in 1971 and they don't even acknowledge 54 POW !!