Pakistani envoy to India says Islamabad wants friendly relations with all neighbours

Aftab Hasan Khan says for the larger interest of the region peace within South Asia is inevitable



In yet another sign of thawing of relationship, Pakistan's acting high commissioner to New Delhi on Tuesday said Islamabad wants friendly relations with all its neighbours including India stressing that peace was inevitable in the South Asia region.

"For the larger interest of the region peace within South Asia is inevitable," said Pakistani Charge d’ Affairs Aftab Hasan Khan while addressing an event in New Delhi to mark Pakistan Day.

According to the statement issued by the Pakistani mission in New Delhi, Khan said that Pakistan wants to have friendly relations with all countries including India.

"To achieve peace between Pakistan and India both countries shall resolve all outstanding issues including IIOJK through dialogue," he stressed.

His statement appears to suggest that both countries are trying to lower the rhetoric in order to create a conducive environment for further engagement.

The relationship between the two neighbours has been on the mend since the two countries in an unexpected move announced to restore the 2003 ceasefire on February 25.

Read more: President Alvi, PM Imran vow to make Pakistan prosperous, progressive

Since then both sides have been visibly trying to send positive signals. While the Pakistani leadership is giving conciliatory statements, India also opted to avoid giving hostile statements against Islamabad.

Another sign that the two countries are willing to re-engage is the holding of the meeting of the Permanent Indus Commission in New Delhi. The two-day meeting kicked off in New Delhi on Tuesday was taking place after a gap of two and a half years.

There are reports that the UAE is trying to mediate between the two countries.

Meanwhile, Charge d’ Affairs Khan in his remarks extended warm felicitations on Pakistan National Day and lauded the zeal with which the broader Pakistan High Commission family participated in the event.

Charge d’ Affaires said that on 23rd March 1940, the Muslims of India under the dynamic leadership of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah made a resolve to make a separate homeland for themselves.

He said every year on this day we renew our resolve, to make Pakistan a modern Islamic and democratic welfare state in the light of the guiding principles of Quaid Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

In the end, he stressed the importance of each successive generation to contribute its own part with honesty, hard work and dedication toward the realization of Quaid’s vision.

Students of the Pakistan High Commission School presented national songs and tableau on the occasion. Erum Aftab, the wife of Aftab Hasan Khan, gave away prizes and gifts to the teachers and students of the school.


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