Texas museum removes Trump's statue after visitors repeatedly punch it in the face

But this is not the first time Trump’s wax replica faced the brunt of public frustration.

Donald Trump’s wax statue has not been spared by his haters either, following which a museum in Texas had to remove it.

According to San Antonio Express, a replica of the former president currently being housed at Louis Tussaud’s Waxworks in San Antonio, Texas, had to be removed from viewing for its own safety.

The museum’s branch helmed by the Ripley Entertainment Corp – owned by the great-grandson of Marie Tussaud – hosted the statue for four years, approximately. But since the place is a popular tourist destination, Trump’s statue recently became a punching bag for visitors who vandalized it, repeatedly. Following this, the management was forced to take it off the floor.

“When it’s a highly political figure, attacks can be a problem,” Clay Stewart, the regional manager of the museum told the outlet. It turns out the statue was first relocated to the front lobby so it looked after with more vigilance. But when that didn’t deter visitors from “punching” and “scratching” the visage of the former president, organisers had to remove it altogether. Now Trump’s wax replica is safe in storage with George Washington’s wax recreation.

But this is not the first time Trump’s wax replica faced the brunt of the public’s frustration. In October 2020, Madame Tussauds museum in Berlin tossed Trump in the trash, quite literally, as part of an exhibit change meant to denounce his administration’s policies.

Madame Tussauds in London followed suit, dressing up Trump in a golf attire after his loss in the presidential election to “reflect his potential 2021 wardrobe.”

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