PM Imran gets vaccinated against Covid-19

A nationwide corona vaccination campaign is underway, President Alvi vaccinated earlier

Prime Minister Imran Khan was vaccinated against the Covid-19 virus on Thursday, days after the country's president also took his jab.

On the occasion, PM Imran appealed to the nation to ensure full implementation of SOPs in view of the third wave of the pandemic.

A nationwide corona vaccination campaign is underway and currently is in the first phase.

Read more: Stricter Covid-19 restrictions might be enforced if SOPs flouted, warns Umar

The Covid-19 vaccine is being provided to people 60 years of age and above and to front-line health workers.

Earlier today, Federal Minister for Planning Asad Umar warned that stricter Covid-19 restrictions on activities might be enforced if the compliance of standard operating procedures (SOPs) did not improve.

"Sharp spike in covid positivity," the minister said in a tweet."Hospital daily admissions & people in critical care rising fast. If sop compliance does not improve, we will be forced to place stronger restrictions on activities."

He further urged the masses to remain careful as the new [UK] strain was more contagious and deadlier as compared to the Wuhan variant of the Covid-19 virus.

Pakistan recorded 3,495 new coronavirus cases, the highest of the year, in the last 24 hours, taking the country's Covid-19 tally to 607,453.

According to the National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC), the country's death toll climbed to 13,717 after 61 people succumbed to the deadly disease during the last 24 hours. Most deaths occurred in Punjab followed by K-P.


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