Violence is not what women ask for when demanding equality, explains OKB

Actor provides his two cents on the Bilal Saeed video that raised several arguments

After a video of Bilal Saeed engaging in verbal and physical abuse against a man and a woman went viral yesterday, many took to Twitter to condone or condemn his "reaction to all the torture," according to his justification.

Among the Twitterati was actor Osman Khalid Butt, who took to the micro-blogging site to reason with the audience who praised Saeed's violent reciprocation. The users condoning the singer's behaviour, did so with the justification that "this was precisely what women asked for when they demanded equal rights."

To this, Butt wrote, "Following the #BilalSaeed hashtag and - just so we're clear, he instigated it. This is physical assault, not meme fodder. Please understand this is not normal behavior; it cannot be condoned or played for a laugh. You don't hit women. Please, have some decency."

The actor continued, "You can choose to hate feminist activism, but don't let that hate spring from ignorance. In plainer words, no, 𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦, this is not what women mean when they're asking for equal rights."

The singer, however, shared a video of his house in shambles to elucidate what he meant when he tweeted his safety and dignity had been violated and his peace, repeatedly compromised. With the video, he alleged the woman and the man he was fighting against were responsible for this vandalism. And he dubbed his reaction an instance of self defence against the torture he suffered.

"I believe in bodily autonomy and safety for all. Violence against anyone whether man or woman is wrong but it is my right to protect myself and my loved ones if I am physically and verbally harmed and threatened," he wrote. Saeed admitted he wasn't proud of engaging in a physical fight but he is "only human."

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