Punjab all set to introduce coronavirus vaccine

Frontline workers serving Covid-19 patients will get the shots first



Punjab Health Minister Dr Yamsin Rashid has said on Monday Punjab would start vaccinating people for coronavirus in the next two days.

Speaking at a Press Conference at the Directorate General Health Services on Monday, the health minister said people must follow standard operating procedures (SOPs) to save themselves from the pandemic.

In the last 24 hours, as many as 443 people tested positive and 11 people lost their lives.

The positivity ratio in Lahore was 3.95%, 1.9% in Rawalpindi, 3.39% in Faisalabad and in the last 24 hours, 15,000 Covid-19 tests were conducted.

The health minister said Punjab has the highest ratio of Contact Tracing across the country.

The entire world has appreciated Pakistan’s efforts of controlling the coronavirus pandemic.

There were 18 localities under lockdown in Lahore, one in Gujranwala, one in Gujrat and similar lockdowns in different cities and movement of 5634 people have been restricted.

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The highest number of recovered patients has been reported from the government hospitals of Punjab. All educational institutions have been opened up ensuring compliance with SOPs.

“The Primary and Secondary Healthcare Department shall organise awareness seminars in educational institutions to create awareness on Covid-19. The situation of educational institutions shall be reviewed again on February 8. China’s firm Sino Pharma has donated 500,000 doses of vaccines for Pakistan’s healthcare workers for which we are grateful to the Chinese government,” the health minister said.

“The first consignment of coronavirus vaccine has reached Pakistan. We have been conveyed by the National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC) that all chief ministers shall simultaneously inaugurate vaccination in their respective provinces.”

Pakistan has also bought 70 million doses of coronavirus vaccine and its supply will start from the current week, the minister pointed out.

“The NCOC technical team has appreciated the cold chain arrangements in Punjab.”

Secretary Primary and Secondary Healthcare Department Captain (retd) Usman Younis said Punjab has set up 189 vaccination centres where complete data of people getting vaccination would be saved.

He said so far 400,000 frontline healthcare workers have been registered which include a large number of general practitioners.

“Gradually, the number of vaccination centres shall be increased. So far 600 people have been given training in all 36 districts of Punjab.

Master trainers have been trained. In the phase-1, the frontline workers giving treatment to Corona patients only shall be vaccinated,” he said.

Currently, there are 70,000 dozes and in the next 21 days, the second consignment shall be received. Punjab has more than 2500 ice-lined refrigerators and the support of Punjab Police has also been sought for it logistics.

The health minister pointed out that vaccine trials have been conducted with a Chinese firm and their results would come within the next two weeks.

“Covex has pledged to give us free coronavirus vaccine for 20% population which will arrive in Pakistan by the end of the current month or March. The government has earmarked an amount of Rs1.08 billion for coronavirus vaccine.”

All frontline health workers working in public and private sector hospital shall be given the vaccine and after them, senior citizens of over-65 age group shall be vaccinated. She said in the next three to four months the adequate amount of vaccine shall be available for all.

The health minister further said that the government has taken measures to bring improvement in the health and education sectors. “Our government has hired over 32,000 doctors, nurses, paramedical staff, male nurses pharmacists and physiotherapists. For government hospitals, an amount of Rs42 billion has been allocated for procurement of medicines,” she concluded.

Published in The Express Tribune, February 2nd, 2021.

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