‘Pakistan will be more prosperous in 2021’

Buzdar urges PDM to shun negative politics

Punjab CM Usman Buzdar. PHOTO: NNI


Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar has congratulated the nation on the eve of New Year and voiced hope that Pakistan will be more prosperous, developed and strong in 2021.

In his message, the chief minister reiterated the strong commitment that 2021 would be the year of fulfilling promises made with the people. “We should also review our successes and failures while welcoming the New Year,” he added. “The government’s commitment is stronger than the challenges and 2021 will prove a ray of hope for the nation.”

The CM asserted that efforts would be made to transform Pakistan as a real welfare State adding that the government would move forward with the commitment of transformation while learning from past mistakes. “We make a strong commitment to providing equal opportunities while bridging the gap between the poor and the rich,” he emphasised.

“The economy will touch new heights in 2021. The journey of the development will be accelerated in 2021 and the struggle for a new Pakistan will continue under the leadership of Prime Minister Imran Khan, he remarked.

“Regrettably, the opposition tried to impede the wheel of development in 2020 but the people have rejected the negative politics of the PDM and the PDM should think for the country in 2021 by setting aside the politics of chaos and anarchy,” the CM concluded.

Published in The Express Tribune, January 1st, 2021.

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