Daycare centre opens at Pindi women precinct

Facility will host children of women police officers during their duty hours

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To facilitate women police officers who have young children, the Rawalpindi police has decided to set up a daycare centre for them.

A police spokesperson said that the centre will be set up at the women's police station in the city. The official added that during a recent visit of Punjab’s Inspector General of Police Inam Ghani to the Rawalpindi Police Lines Headquarters, women police officers had requested him to establish a daycare centre for the convenience of their children during their duty hours. Subsequently, Rawalpindi City Police Officer (CPO) Ahsan Younis set up the daycare centre.

The centre operates from 8am to 4pm and is overseen by Security SP Zunaira Azfar. The daycare centre includes child-friendly beds, a kitchen, air conditioning, a microwave oven, a bathroom, as well as LED screens and swings for children to play. It also features additional facilities such as writing books and whiteboards for the education of children. The establishment of the daycare centre, the official said, will help women police officers perform their duties without worrying about who will care for their children.

Women police officers welcomed the move. CPO Younas said that the role of ladies police officers was very important for the police department and that they must be provided with the proper opportunities and a conducive environment to perform their duties.

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