Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar said on Sunday that the opposition parties’ rallies may spread the coronavirus disease. “However, they cannot succeed in achieving their desire to halt the accountability process.”
In a statement regarding the Pakistan Democratic Movement rally in Lahore, the CM underlined that the group of 11 opposition parties have only one agenda which is to get their corruption cases closed.
“But they should keep in mind that neither their rallies nor public gathering can help them in getting the NRO. The nation has rejected the PDM politics of chaos and anarchy. The opposition is pushing the nation towards coronavirus just to protect their corruption.”
Buzdar highlighted that coronavirus patients were increasing in hospitals and death toll was also rising but opposition was busy in fulfilling their negative agenda.
“Massive violations of coronavirus safety standard operating procedures (SOPs) are witnessed in the PDM public gathering. Law will take its course and action will be taken against violators,” he warned.
The CM remarked, “The opposition should know that people have discarded them. The opposition has no vision and does not care about the people. The government is taking initiatives for the welfare of the people.”
Published in The Express Tribune, December 14th, 2020.
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