George Clooney confirms gifting 14 friends $1 million

God, I see what you're doing for others...

Back in 2018, rumours of Hollywood actor George Clooney gifting his 14 close friends a million dollars were abuzz. Two years later, the actor has confirmed that he actually did come out to help some of his closest friends after he came into a truckload of cash. The actor gifted 14 of his friends $1 million each after his film Gravity became a huge hit at the box office. 

In a recent interview with GQ, Clooney revealed that he had just met his now-wife Amal at the time, and didn’t really have anyone but his friends to thank for his massive success so he expressed his gratitude by handing them bags full of cash.

He told the publication, "I thought, what I do have are these guys who've all, over a period of 35 years, helped me in one way or another. I've slept on their couches when I was broke. They loaned me money when I was broke. They helped me when I needed help over the years. And I've helped them over the years."

He further added, "I thought, you know, without them I don’t have any of this. And we’re all really close, and I just thought basically if I get hit by a bus, they’re all in the will. So why the f--- am I waiting to get hit by a bus?"

Clooney described how he gave cash to his friends and said that he showed them a map of all the places he's been able to visit in the world, thanks to their support. 

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