Opposition movement lacks direction: Shibli

Shibli added Pakistan was moving in the right direction, and the economic indicators were positive now

Federal Minister for Information and Broadcasting Shibli Faraz addressing a press conference in Islamabad PHOTO: PID/FILE


Federal Information and Broadcasting Minister Shibli Faraz on Sunday said a movement which needed a new charter with each passing day had no future, referring to the op-position’s alliance announce-ment that its members would meet on November 14 to reach an agreement on how to proceed forward.

“This proves that they [oppo-sition] don’t know what to do and they are blindly moving ahead,” he added.The minister said Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM), the 11-party opposition alliance formed to send the PTI-led government packing, would fail to deceive the people into believing them by coming up with a new charter.

He  reminded  PDM  head  Maulana Fazlur Rehman that those “who had created the  economic crisis”  in the country were standing to his left and right, referring to the PML-N and PPP leaders.

“He [Fazl] should ask them about this.” Shibli  added Pakistan  was  moving  in  the  right  direction, and the economic indicators were positive now.

The minister also asked the Maulana  that  if  there  was  not a real constitutional democracy in the country, why was his son a member of the National Assembly. “If  this  is  not  a  constitutional  democratic  system, then why are the opposition parties participating  in the Gilgit-Baltistan elections?”  he added.

Shibli said if PML-N leader Shahid Khaqan Abbasi loses in  his  home  constituency  then his party claims that the election was rigged but if he wins in Lahore it says that it was transparent. “The nation is fed up with this hypocrisy and duplicity.”

Earlier in a tweet,   the   minister  while  referring  to  the PDM’s meeting said “de-feated” leaders, who were the “flag-bearers of political hy-pocrisy”, had gathered today.

“Instead  of  expressing  re-morse for plundering public resources, they are being shameless,” he added. “They give  justifications  for  their  defeat and disgrace.”

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