Minister reviews progress on uniform education system

Preparation of model text books in final stage, Mahmood informed

Federal Minister for Education Shafqat Mahmood. PHOTO: RP


Federal Minister for Education and Professional Training Shafqat Mahmood has said that the uniform education system will help end the rattafication system in the educational process, which will improve the learning and thinking abilities of a child.

“After the implementation of the Single National Curriculum, children of rural areas will have the same curriculum as those of elite class,” the federal minister said during his visit to the National Curriculum Council (NCC) on Saturday.

Working groups of model text books, including experts of public, private educational institutions, Agha Khan University and Lums, briefed the minister about the progress on SNC.

They apprised the minister that preparation of model text books was in the final stage and would prove as the best text books in the history of the country.

“The new curriculum-based text books have been prepared while keeping in view all demands of the modern era,” they informed.

Federal Minister Mahmood directed the NCC to provide model text books to private publishers for publishing, saying these books will not have any copyrights to ensure its standard and vast publishing.

The minister also reviewed the curriculum from Class VI to VIII.

The zero draft of middle class curriculum had been prepared and shared with the public, private, madrassa and Cambridge educational institutions. “It will be prepared till the first week of 2021,” they said.

The minister lauded the outstanding efforts made by the NCC team. 

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