Smog: hospitals put on high alert across Punjab

Health experts suggest precautionary measures

A man rides a donkey-drawn cart supplying steel rods on a smoggy morning in Lahore, Pakistan November 10, 2017. PHOTO: REUTERS


The Punjab Health Department has alerted all hospitals in the province to prepare for smog Season and asked them to make special arrangements in this regard.

The department also asked all Health Chief Executive Officers (CEO) at all 36 districts to monitor smog-related arrangements in their districts. Medical Superintendents (MS) of hospitals were also instructed to focus on the health of smog-affected patients.

On the other hand, due to the smog season in Punjab, the number of patients had increased in hospitals of major cities.

As per details available with The Express Tribune, in recent days, more patients suffering from throat infections, cough, flu, breathing issues, chest infection and eye-related diseases were being admitted.

Health experts were advising the citizens to adopt precautionary measures during smog season and wear face mask as well as helmet while going outside.

As the start of the smog season in the provincial capital and in other parts of the province, the Health CEOs and hospital administrations of District Headquarter (DHQ) hospitals and Tehsil Headquarters (THQ) hospitals were directed to make necessary arrangements in the coming days. In the last few days, patients of Flu, chest infections and eye-related diseases had reportedly increased at the outpatient departments and emergency wards of multiple hospitals. The worrying numbers promoted health department officials to issue directions to said hospitals’ administrations.

The Punjab Health Department advised the hospital administration to stock enough medicines for smog-affected patients and to make their best arrangements.

A spokesperson for the Punjab Health Department Sayed Hammad notified the CEO's in the districts of Punjab and administration of hospitals, adding, “We have alerted the health institutions so that the best facilities regarding treatments will be given to the smog-affected patients.” On the other hand, citizens in the provincial capital and other major cities were reportedly suffering from the effects of rising smog and poor air quality in multiple districts of Punjab.

In this regard, several citizens including school children visited public sector hospitals for smog-related treatment, many of whom reported flu, chest infections and eye diseases. More patients were arriving from those areas where pollution was reaching new levels due to smoke emissions during road traffic as well as emissions from industrial areas.

Former MS of Sir Ganga Ram Hospital Lahore Dr Abdul Basit stated, “In the coming month, the public must take care of themselves by following smog-related precautionary steps as only care is the best way to avoid the ailments.”

Minors as well as senior citizens should wear face mask, he added. “Besides this, patients of asthma and heart illness should also adopt safety measures as this smog season is dangerous for them. Parents of school going children should discipline their children to wear face mask at all times as this age group is particularly vulnerable during the smog season.”

Published in The Express Tribune, October 29th, 2020.

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