NAB briefed on service charges by hospitals

Anti-graft watchdog raises queries about grading system of hospitals, doctors


The Punjab Health Care Commission’s (PHC) top brass official briefed the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) regarding the commission’s analysis and suggestions over non-parallel service charges being observed by private hospitals in Punjab.

The briefing was given by PHC Additional Secretary Salwat Saeed, Acting CEO Dr Muhammad Mushtaq and Director Dr Anwar Janjua.

The briefing was held under NAB’s Awareness and Prevention (A&P) Wing in which updates on part of PHC were discussed regarding comparative studies over the provision of the standard of services and the dues being charged by private hospitals.

During the briefing, the PHC officials highlighted their mandate, domain and performance of PHC over the above issue.

On this occasion, NAB made it clear about its mission to regularise and maintain suitable rates in all private hospitals following PHC’s proposals, whereas, NAB’s officials raised queries over the grading system of hospitals and doctors as well.

It was also discussed that as per the efforts of NAB, Chughtai Lab announced to waive off 50% charges of coronavirus tests for senior citizens that was later extended to all citizens.

The NAB officials said limited resources caused hindrance in government hospitals in the provision of quality services while the private sector gained an advantage to this lapse.

Published in The Express Tribune, October 9th, 2020.

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