Benefits of Facial Yoga

Facial yoga can keep your face looking young and youthful

Is there any reality behind ageing gracefully unless you have good genes and maintain a proper skincare regime? If we look at the ingredients used in making anti-ageing creams and serums you’ll find plenty of them full of chemicals and toxins which can be harmful in the long run. But what if there is an easier, more natural way of boosting your facial skin and muscles?

Facial yoga claims to maintain your beauty, naturally! With so many facial yogis boasting about the benefits of facial yoga, we thought of giving it a try and we must say the results take longer than creams and fillers but they improve our face structure, muscles and skin tremendously!

Here are a few reasons why facial yoga can be an excellent addition to any beauty regiment:

Less expensive:

This one is pretty self-explanatory. Unlike its overpriced competitors, facial yoga is less expensive. All it requires is some dedication and time once or twice a day. When compared to the time spent undergoing expensive treatments or using expensive creams that aren’t always guaranteed to work, it almost seems silly not to give facial yoga a try.

Slow down ageing process:

As we age, our regularly used facial muscles start to show ageing signs in the form of wrinkles or sagging skin etc. While this a natural process of ageing, facial yoga can help slow down the aging process. we accumulate more wrinkles. There are certain yoga poses which help us in recognising when we’re unconsciously raising our eyebrows or squinting in the sun. You’d be surprised how often certain facial expressions happen out of habit and contribute to deeper wrinkles and tension.

Releases tension:

Just like yoga helps release stress and tension from our body and mind, facial yoga helps in releasing tension we carry around in our neck and face. Facial yoga is a great way to add awareness of those muscles and different ways to alleviate any tightness that you may carry around.

Tones facial muscles:

Facial yoga has proven to tone and tighten your facial and neck muscles. As you exercise these muscles, you’re drawing circulation of blood, oxygen, collagen which are all great contributors in achieving healthier and younger skin. Unlike Botox, facial yoga gives a more relaxed look.

Eliminate double chin:

Everyone wants to get rid of their double chin or unwanted jowl fat. Facial yoga can help tone and tighten your face and neck muscles and skin.

Boost self-esteem and confidence:

When you look better, you feel better which is why when you see results or feel your facial muscles becoming tighter and stronger while maintaining a soft look, it really helps in boosting self-esteem and confidence. It doesn’t demand too much time or energy, and makes your skin look fresher and healthier than before!

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