‘Each Baldia fire victim’s family paid Rs1.8m in compensation so far’

Families of victims get at least Rs10,000 as pension every month, say activists

Aamir Khan September 25, 2020


Each of around 250 Baldia factory inferno victims' families has received approximately Rs1.8 million to Rs1.9 million in compensation so far, according to National Trade Union Federation Pakistan general secretary Nasir Mansoor and Ali Enterprises Factory Fire Affectees Association (AEFFAA) chairperson Saeeda Khatoon.

Small sums from this amount were given to the affected families at different instances, in line with legal requirements, they told The Express Tribune on Tuesday, adding that the compensation was provided by the federal government, factory's owners and other donors.

Elaborating further, they said that Ali Enterprises garment factory used to produce apparels for a German brand, which has paid Rs540 million in compensation.

However, they had to fight a long legal battle to get the brand to cough up the amount, Mansoor and Khatoon related. Eventually, an agreement was reached between international labour unions and the brand, leading to the payment of compensation, of which Rs7,500 to Rs12,500 is paid to the affected families as monthly pension.

Besides, they said, the Employees Old-Age Benefits Institution (EOBI) has been giving the widows of killed workers Rs8,500 as monthly pension, and the Sindh Employees Social Security Institution Rs3,500. Also, the parents of workers who were killed in inferno and were unmarried are being paid Rs1,000 per month on account of pension, they added. Hence, each of the affected family receives at least Rs10,000 as pension per month.

However, Mansoor said, the parents of the deceased have not been receiving any pension from the EOBI. "But we are corresponding with the EOBI on the matter and if needed, would approach the court," he added.

Mansoor and Khatoon said that labour unions and the AEFFAAA had raised the issue of the provision of compensation to the victims' families at different forums it was and only after that the payment had been made possible.

According to them, a committee oversees the payment of pension to the affected families and the money is transferred directly to their bank accounts.

Speaking about the compensation for the injured workers, Mansoor said each of them had been paid between Rs50,000 to Rs100,000. Moreover, he added, recently 33 workers who were injured in the fire underwent a medical examination and they, too, were likely to be entitled to receiving compensation.

On a different note, Khatoon opined that while two main accused had been convicted in the case, others, including factory owners, responsible for the deaths of the workers also needed to be held accountable.

Published in The Express Tribune, September 25th, 2020.


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